Parks and Gardens

We undertake a number of functions in the management and maintenance of parks and open spaces including the enhancement of all parks, open spaces, trees, allotments and cemeteries, nature reserves, informal flower areas and closed church yards.

We also operate areas of recreational interest including play areas, football pitches, pavilions and outdoor tennis courts.

We look after over 260 hectares (650 acres) of parks and open spaces across the district. Totalling 101, these range from large urban parks, playing fields and play areas to local nature reserves, which provide important habitats for a wide range of wildlife.

To report acts of vandalism or criminal damage on parks or open spaces please contact Derbyshire Police by dialling 101.

As well as parks and open spaces, we also maintain:

  • Highways, trees, verges and weed control (on behalf of Derbyshire County Council)

  • Civic building grounds

  • Flower displays on road traffic islands and hanging baskets

  • Three cemeteries - maintenance

  • Outdoor sports bookings - football, cricket, bowls.  To book an outdoor sports pitch Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Landscaping design and development

  • Twelve Local Nature Reserves

  • Twelve allotment sites

Memorial benches 

Plaques can be purchased for community memorial benches at Victoria Park, Ilkeston; West Park, Long Eaton; Park Cemetery, Ilkeston and Longmoor Cemetery, Breaston.

Please note that, due to a lack of capacity, we are no longer installing single memorial benches. If you would like more information regarding the community memorial bench scheme, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tree maintenance

The Council will:

  • Remove dangerous branches and trees as soon as possible

  • Remove dead or dying branches and trees where it may become a hazard to people or property

  • Remove branches or trees where there is evidence of damage being caused to buildings.

The Council will not:

  • Prune back or remove overhanging branches  

  • Prune or fell trees to improve the light or view to a property

  • Systematically reduce the crown of trees.

Tree trails

A number of informative leaflets are available including ones about West Park and Victoria Park Tree Trails.  Please email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.if you would like a copy.

Metal detecting

The council does not allow metal detecting on its land.  You would need to contact individual landowners for permission to access their land. There is a voluntary code of conduct.on

Use of drones 

The use of drones for filming purposes is not allowed over Erewash Borough Council land, including respective parks and open spaces.

Contact us:

Pride-line: 0115 850 8383 (24 hour confidential hotline) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Complete an online form through your My Erewash account.  Look for the section about our Green Space and Street Scene team.