Trade Waste

Trade waste information

We provide a trade waste collection service for general waste produced by local businesses and offer a range of containers and collection schedules that suits most commercial business needs.

Container sizes are 360ltr, 660ltr and 1100ltr, and collections take place from Monday to Friday. All containers must be available for collection by 7am as routes may vary due to accidents, roadworks or workload.


Trade Waste prices (based on one bin lift per week):

360 litre = £10.00
660 litre = £15.00
1100 litre = £25.00

Prices are VAT exempt

Trade Waste prices for schools and charities (subject to eligibility). 

360 litre = £7.50
660 litre = £10.00
1100 litre = £18.00

Prices are VAT exempt

We also provide a trade recycling service for businesses for more information go to our Trade Recycling page.

For more information on our trade waste service please fill in the trade waste enquiry form, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call our customer service advisors on 0115 907 2244 


All businesses that produce waste are subject to The Duty of Care which is a legal requirement under the Environmental Protection Act to dispose of their waste responsibly using a registered waste carrier to ensure the waste is not illegally disposed of by others.

We can request businesses to produce their Duty of Care documents. Breach of Duty of Care is an offence, with a penalty of up to £5000 on summary conviction or an unlimited fine on conviction or indictment.

In order to provide advice to commercial premises to help them comply with waste management legislation, we have a dedicated commercial contracts officer to help with all aspects of business waste, please call our customer service advisors on 0115 907 2244 and ask to speak to our trade waste officer for more details. 

Trade/commercial waste – spillage

All spillage caused by the collectors must be reported to us on 0115 907 2244, if you see waste which has been spilled and it might be an health and safety hazard you must also report this.

Some spillage may be deemed as a hazard and should be reported to the emergency services immediately, if large quantities of oil, paint or fuel are spilled on the road and it is likely to cause an accident the emergency services must be called by dialling 999.

Hazardous waste

Some waste is designated as hazardous waste such as oils, paints and chemicals and this cannot be placed in normal commercial waste. For advice please contact our commercial waste officer.


There are a range of options for dealing with used tyres. Information can be found on the tyre recovery website

There is also information on the Environment Agency website

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP)

Legislation has changed regarding the disposal of upholstered domestic seating (from households and businesses). This is because upholstered seating may contain Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) which are chemicals harmful to the environment, wildlife and humans. Upholstered domestic seating must now be collected separately.

Unfortunately, we are unable to collect upholstered domestic seating waste from businesses. Collections of this waste type will need to be arranged with a private waste collection company.

Example of upholstered seating waste, and includes parts made of, or containing leather, synthetic leather, other fabric, or foam, are shown below:

  • Sofas
  • Floor and sofa cushions
  • Sofa beds
  • Armchairs (or any part of)
  • Kitchen and dining room chairs (or any part of)
  • Stools and foot stools
  • Home office chairs
  • Futons
  • Bean bags

Should your bin contain any of these items the collection team will be unable to empty your bin or remove items. Items will need to be removed ready for your bin to be emptied on your next scheduled collection date.