Healthy Living
Comedy Projects
We have worked with young people aged 12 - 14years from across the borough since 2008 using different forms of comedy drama to increase young peoples awareness and understanding of healthy lifestyles. Working in partnership with Derbyshire NHS, local schools and Multi Agency Teams (Family and Youth Services)we have both co funded and managed 5 projects culminating in live performances, a published comic and a short film.
The young people involved have gained in confidence, increased their understanding and been inspired to make healthy lifestyle choices. Many have taken part in more than one project working as mentors to younger children.
We have also worked with a group of young adults with learning difficulties on producing a toolkit about the dangers of drinking and smoking, devising a poster and leaflet.
All the comedy projects have been funded by Derbyshire NHS, Derbyshire County Council and Erewash Borough Council.
What the participants said:
"Since the comedy project Simon has been allocated a bicycle from the school and he is trying to increase his fitness levels. Rebecca has jumped from a level 3 to a level 5, I think she has always had the ability but not the confidence to let go. Hannah has just joined the school football team and the local football team and has grown in confidence and self belief. Sophie has performed for the first time to her class and then there's Charlotte....she has just worked so hard on her drama project. She has lead others (using some of your techniques)and has been confident in performing. Everyone's confidence and self esteem has increased dramatically. " Teacher (children's names have been changed).