Housing land - Call for Sites exercise

As part of the ongoing examination of the Erewash Core Strategy Review, the appointed Planning Inspector in her most recent correspondence (INS09) has raised concern that insufficient deliverable housing land (i.e. that where new housing is expected to begin within five years) exists to meet requirements.

In response to this, the Council is undertaking a housing land Call for Sites exercise.

We require all submissions to make use of the form provided by the Planning Inspector which can be downloaded from below as a means of keeping all information and data relating to submitted sites fully consistent. For any site you wish to promote which does not have planning permission and isn’t a current allocation in the Plan, please populate the tables in the site submission form. To help with site identification, all submissions should also provide a location plan of each site clearly showing its boundaries.

If you have already promoted a site as part of the current Core Strategy Review or to Call for Sites associated with recent Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments (SHLAA) then please still submit details in the new format as advised and requested above.

All submissions should be returned to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please note that this Call for Sites runs until Wednesday 23rd October 2024.