Infrastructure Funding Statement

An Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) is a publication that must outline all live S106 agreements, a breakdown of the contributions and an annual overview of developer contribution transactions. The publication will enhance both policy makers and communities understanding of developer contributions being invested in local infrastructure and will showcase the efforts of key planning and development stakeholders contributing positively to enhancements within local areas. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations require all local planning authorities to report at least annually on developer contributions and was introduced as a mandatory requirement for 2020.

Erewash’s IFS is published below and covers the transactions of all live S106 agreements for the monitoring period(1st December - 30 November) in addition to the status of contributions. The CSV files provide the underlying data on S106 transactions and should be considered alongside the IFS Report, which provides headline data and showcases Erewash’s S106 contributions.