Stanton Regeneration Site Supplementary Planning Document
Page under review.
Adoption of SPD
Erewash Borough Council formally adopted the Stanton Regeneration Site SPD in 2017.
The SPD, which now forms part of the Erewash Local Development Framework, will play a key role in raising the profile of the Stanton Regeneration Site – contributing towards its comprehensive redevelopment in line with relevant policies from the Erewash Core Strategy.
The document offers prospective developers’ informative guidance and clarity over what the Borough Council expect redevelopment proposals to make provision for. Central to the SPD is its land-use Masterplan. This establishes suitable locations for the various development uses on site, sets out how development (including land remediation) should be phased and details what contributions the different phases of development should make towards infrastructure. With the SPD forming part of the Erewash LDF, the content of the document now constitutes a material consideration in the determination of future planning application(s).
Adoption of the SPD follows a period of extensive public consultation. This took place across September and October 2016. A comprehensive record which includes a schedule of those consulted, all duly-made representations and the Council’s individual response to each, can be found within the SPD’s Consultation Statement.
To accord with Regulation 14 of the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations, the Borough Council has produced an Adoption Statement which provides further details concerning the adoption process.
Helping to steer the development of the Stanton SPD, the Borough Council has also developed a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) allowing Officers to draft SPD policies and guidance which secure gains in local environmental, social and economic conditions. The SA’s work was informed by a comprehensive range of baseline data and information providing Officers with useful knowledge in understanding what scale of impact the SPD and other reasonable alternatives would likely arise when implemented. The SA, a non-technical version summarising its key findings and the Appendices containing baseline data are available below.
Finally, a set of Background Papers were produced to support the approach taken by the SPD over various matters. These provide additional information on biodiversity, retail provision, development viability and transport modelling. All four Papers were made available to view throughout the course of the six-week consultation to assist those wishing to comment on the SPD.
For inquiries on the adopted SPD, please get in touch with the Planning Policy team using the contact details shown further down this page.
Consultation on draft Stanton SPD
Erewash Borough Council’s Executive held a six-week period of public consultation, which seeks views over a range of planning proposals contained within the draft Stanton Regeneration Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
The draft SPD is a key document tasked with encouraging the redevelopment of the former Stanton Ironworks, the largest development site within the Borough, helping to transform it into a sustainable new neighbourhood. A number of recommendations are presented by the draft SPD, which together with adopted policies from the Erewash Core Strategy establish a robust and realistic planning framework which will be used to assess the suitability of any proposal seeking to redevelop the Stanton site.
Stanton’s successful regeneration is an integral part of Erewash meeting its long-term growth requirements. To assist this the draft SPD presents a coordinated land-use Masterplan demonstrating how the site can be redeveloped in such a way that helps to deliver the Core Strategy’s strategic requirements concerning the provision of new homes, jobs, community facilities and infrastructure in a viable manner.
If adopted, the guidance within the SPD will become a material consideration. Anyone wishing to redevelop the Stanton site will be expected to demonstrate how plans conform to the SPD’s policies.
The Borough Council would like to hear views on the draft SPD. Details on how you can respond to the consultation can be found by viewing the Consultation Guidance Note which is also available from a link at the foot of the page. This Note provides useful information on how to successfully make and then submit your representation back to us. A representation questionnaire which the Borough Council encourages all respondent to use is provided below.
To accompany the draft SPD, the Borough Council has produced a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) helping to assess the impacts of the document’s policies on local environmental, economic and social conditions. Screening work required to ensure the Council conformed to European regulations was carried out back in February and March 2016 and confirmed no significant environmental effects were likely as a result of the SPD’s production. This position was supported by the three statutory environmental consultee bodies (Environment Agency, Historic England and Natural England).
Whilst this conclusion indicated that there was no requirement upon the Borough Council to carry out SA, the Borough Council has still undertaken the process with a view that it contributes positively to the plan making process.
Contact us
Should you have any questions regarding the consultation, or have any queries generally, please get in touch with Planning Policy on (0115) 9072244 ext 56001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.