
The council offers a chargeable pre-application advice service to provide guidance prior to the submission of planning applications. The charges start from £100 plus VAT. A full list can be found on the pre-application advice service page. 

If you want to know if planning permission would be required for development, you should refer to the relevant legislation (non-domestic development) and guidance available on the Planning Portal (for householder development) at

Search a recent planning application on our planning portal 

Please do not enter "ERE" when searching for a planning application.

View Decision Notices (2000-2017)

Visit our planning permission page

Visit our application forms page

Access the Erewash mapping system for up-to-date maps of the borough and search for Planning applications. Maps are provided by Ordnance Survey.

For information relating to Erewash Borough Council's Local Plan please refer to our planning policy pages.

Lawful Development Certificates for Proposed Dropped Kerbs

As part of your submission to Derbyshire County Council, you will be required to provide evidence that planning permission is not required. This is provided in the form of a Certificate of Lawful Development.
Certificates of Lawful Development are a formal determination by the Local Planning Authority (Erewash Borough Council) to confirm whether a use or operation proposed would require planning permission or not.
You can apply for a Certificate of Lawful Development on either The Planning Portal or by sending the information directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
When applying please read the following in order to understand everything we require to validate the application as quickly as possible.

  • Application Form (This can be found on the application forms page and is titled 1APP15)
  • A plan identifying the land to which the application relates drawn to an identified scale and showing the direction of north.
  • A plan identifying the area to which work is proposed – This can be a plan showing the measurement of the Kerb that is proposed to be dropped. Please include dimensions on this plan. For example 2.5 metres
  •  The appropriate fee - £129
Once an application is valid, the Council will have up to eight weeks to assess the information provided. Please note that we are unable to provide this service any other way. Requests for a determination on whether a dropped kerb is lawful must be done via a lawful development certificate. For help scaling and measuring plans displayed on our website please email the planning team for guidance notes.


Planning Portal - make online planning applications or check if you require planning permission

Design Council website  Industry standard for design of new housing developments.

Environment Agency  Check flood risks and flood history of a property.

Severn Trent Water

Historic England

Natural England

Safer Derbyshire website

Planning Inspectorate

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Development Management is responsible for managing and regulating new development throughout Erewash. Our purpose is to ensure that land is used in the most efficient way in order to encourage economic growth, while protecting Erewash's amenities and environment.