Current Applications

These documents contain information about new applications and variations for premises licences and club premises certificates under the Licensing Act 2003.  This is when an an individual or organisation applies for a premises licence or club certificate to carry out licensable activities such as the retail of alcohol, providing regulated entertainment or the provision of late night refreshment.

The applications, licences and supporting documentation will also be available to view, by appointment, at the Civic Offices, Derby Road, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 1HU.



10 October 2024

Notice of an application for the Minor Variation of a Premises Licence. PRM0489. Morrisons Service Station, 107 Nottingham Road, Ilkeston DE7 5NN

Motor Fuel Ltd has applied to Erewash Borough Council for the Minor Variation of a premises licence. The application is to seek approval for the following licensing activities;

1. To allow for the provision of late night refreshment between the hours of 23:00 and 24:00 daily.

2. To remove the conditions listed in Annex 2.

3. To include in Annex 2 updated conditions.

The licensing register, and full details of this application can be viewed at the offices of the licensing authority at Licensing, Erewash Borough Council, Long Eaton Civic Centre, Derby Road, Long Eaton NG10 1HU between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday by prior appointment. Any person or responsible authority can make representations in writing to the licensing authority at any time up to  24 October 2024.

It is an offence for anyone knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with a premises licence application. The maximum fine on summary conviction is unlimited. GRANTED
5 November 2024

Notice of an application for the Grant of a Premises Licence. PRM0600. Off licence/convenience, 20 Nottingham Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5RE.

Mohammad Mahbobi  has applied to Erewash Borough Council for the Grant of a premises licence. The application is to seek approval for the following licensing activities;

Sale of Alcohol  

Monday  to Sunday  - 07:00 hours to 23:00 hours

The licensing register, and full details of this application can be viewed at the offices of the licensing authority at Licensing, Erewash Borough Council, Long Eaton Civic Centre, Derby Road, Long Eaton NG10 1HU between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday by prior appointment. Any person or responsible authority can make representations in writing to the licensing authority at any time up to 3 December 2024.

It is an offence for anyone knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with a premises licence application. The maximum fine on summary conviction is unlimited. INVALID APPLICATION - REFUSED
13 November 2024

Notice of an application for the Grant of a Premises Licence. PRM0601. Three Horseshoes, Derby Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5FH.

Ilkeston Town FC Limited  has applied to Erewash Borough Council for the Grant of a premises licence. The application is to seek approval for the following licensing activities;

Sale of Alcohol 

Sunday  to Thursday  - 10:00 hours to Midnight, Friday to Saturday - 10:00 hours to 01:00 hours

Late Night Refreshment

Sunday  to Thursday  - 23:00 hours to Midnight, Friday to Saturday - 23:00 hours to 01:00 hours

Regulated Entertainment

Sunday  to Thursday  - 10:00 hours to 23:30 hours, Friday to Saturday - 10:00 hours to 00:30 hours

The licensing register, and full details of this application can be viewed at the offices of the licensing authority at Licensing, Erewash Borough Council, Long Eaton Civic Centre, Derby Road, Long Eaton NG10 1HU between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday by prior appointment. Any person or responsible authority can make representations in writing to the licensing authority at any time up to 11 December 2024.

It is an offence for anyone knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with a premises licence application. The maximum fine on summary conviction is unlimited. GRANTED
15 November 2024

Notice of an application for the Minor Variation of a Premises Licence. PRM0021. Sir John Warren, Market Place, Ilkeston DE7 5QB.

Greene King Retailing Ltd have applied to Erewash Borough Council for the Minor Variation of a premises licence. The application is to seek approval for the following licensing activities;

To vary Annex (2) 10 Door Supervisors conditions to read: 

1) The Designated Premises Supervisor will regularly risk assess the need for the provision of door supervision in conjunction with the police and must provide sufficient staff as deemed necessary. Risk assessments should be reviewed annually and again when incidents occur at the premises or in the vicinity that may necessitate the employment of door supervisor(s). (Risk assessments will need to cover the control of ID verification, drug awareness/ retention, Prevent, staff and customer safety, all the premises policies to ensure incidents are dealt with and records/ logs maintained correctly. The number of DS and the timings they are employed will be specified in the risk assessment.)

2) A register of those Door Supervisors employed and on duty at the premise shall be maintained and shall include; a) The number of Door Supervisors on duty b) The identity and badge number of each Door Supervisor on duty c) The time each Door Supervisor books on and off duty d) A signature of each Door Supervisor on duty

3) The Door Supervisors register shall be kept on the premises for a period of not less than 12 months and shall be produced upon request of a Police Officer or other authorised person as detailed within Section 13 of the Licensing Act 2003.

4) The current written risk assessment with regards to the provision of Door Supervisors shall be produced upon request to a Police Officer or other authorised person as detailed within Section 13 of the Licensing Act 2003

The licensing register, and full details of this application can be viewed at the offices of the licensing authority at Licensing, Erewash Borough Council, Long Eaton Civic Centre, Derby Road, Long Eaton NG10 1HU between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday by prior appointment. Any person or responsible authority can make representations in writing to the licensing authority at any time up to  29 November 2024.

It is an offence for anyone knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with a premises licence application. The maximum fine on summary conviction is unlimited.  GRANTED
27 November 2024

Notice of an application for the Variation of a Premises Licence. PRM0150. Market Inn, Marker Place, Ilkeston DE7 5QA.

Nestcare Ltd  have applied to Erewash Borough Council for the Variation of a premises licence. The application is to seek approval for the following licensing activities;

The application is to allow the extension of hours for the supply of alcohol, LNR & Regulated Entertainment on Wednesdays until 01:00 hours, as a result allowing the extension of the closing hour until 01:30 hours

To eliminate the submission of annual TEN notices

Each year for the week of Ilkeston Charter Fair (Monday - Friday) allow an extension of time for the Supply of Alcohol, LNR and Regulated Enterainment from:

Monday 09:00 until 02:00 on Tuesday

Tueday 09:00 until 02:00 Wednesday

Wednesday 09:00 until 02:00 Thursday

Thursday 09:00 until 02:00 Friday

The opening hour to be extended until 2.30am

The licensing register, and full details of this application can be viewed at the offices of the licensing authority at Licensing, Erewash Borough Council, Long Eaton Civic Centre, Derby Road, Long Eaton NG10 1HU between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday by prior appointment. Any person or responsible authority can make representations in writing to the licensing authority at any time up to 25 December 2024.

It is an offence for anyone knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with a premises licence application. The maximum fine on summary conviction is unlimited. GRANTED
3 December 2024

Notice of an application for the Grant of a Premises Licence. PRM0602. Chef's Cut Butchery Ltd, Unit 11 Sheets Stores Industrial Estate, Fileds Farm Road, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 1AU

Chef''s Cut Butchery Limited  have applied to Erewash Borough Council for the Grant of a premises licence. The application is to seek approval for the following licensing activities;

Sale of Alcohol 

Monday  to Friday  - 07:00 hours to 16:00 hours

Saturday - 07:00 hours to 13:00 hours

The licensing register, and full details of this application can be viewed at the offices of the licensing authority at Licensing, Erewash Borough Council, Long Eaton Civic Centre, Derby Road, Long Eaton NG10 1HU between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday by prior appointment. Any person or responsible authority can make representations in writing to the licensing authority at any time up to 28 December 2024.

It is an offence for anyone knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with a premises licence application. The maximum fine on summary conviction is unlimited. GRANTED
20 December 2024

Notice of an application for the Minor Variation of a Premises Licence. PRM0478. Kirk Hallam Social Club/Presleys, Off Dallimore Road, Kirk Hallam, Ilkeston DE74GZ.

Kirk Hallam Socil Club have applied to Erewash Borough Council for the Minor Variation of a premises licence. The application is to seek approval for the following licensing activities;

Remove condition 26

No children less than 16 years are to be allowed on the premises save for when being accompanied by an appropriate adult for the purpose of a bona fide pre - arranged function taking place in the function room.

Replace with

No under 16s allowed on the premises after 21.00 hours unless attending a bona fide pre-arranged function.  Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult as per the Licensing Act 2003

The licensing register, and full details of this application can be viewed at the offices of the licensing authority at Licensing, Erewash Borough Council, Long Eaton Civic Centre, Derby Road, Long Eaton NG10 1HU between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday by prior appointment. Any person or responsible authority can make representations in writing to the licensing authority at any time up to 8 January 2025.

It is an offence for anyone knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with a premises licence application. The maximum fine on summary conviction is unlimited. 


Making a representation

Relevant representations must be in writing and submitted to the Licensing Authority. To assist objectors the licensing Authority has created a form that you can request from the licensing department by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We would recommend that you use this form to submit your representation. The form is designed to help extract the type of information which is required to ensure the representation can be accepted.

Your representations must reach us within the 28 day notice period. Late representations will not be considered. If you are unsure when the application was made, you can check with the council or consult the application advertisement.

The licensing staff will initially check your representation to ensure that it fulfils the criteria, and your comments relate to one or more of the four licensing objectives.

Assuming that your representation fulfils the criteria, it will be copied and sent to the applicant, along with any other representations received.

It is important that the applicant is provided with the opportunity to address the comments raised in your representation. In addition a copy of your letter will be included in the committee papers and your personal details may form part of the recorded decision, all of which are public documents.

If you do not want your personal details to be released then you will be unable to make a personal representation.

A key feature of the new licensing regime is to allow anyone to have a say in licensing applications that they think may affect them, as well as ensuring that the Responsible Authorities such as the police, public health, planning, fire, trading standards, child protection and environmental health officers also have the opportunity to submit their recommendations and take action if problems occur after the grant of a premises licence.

The 2003 Act permits anyone to make a 'representation' if they think they will be affected by an application for a premises licence. This includes any individual, body, business or organisation. Whilst any of these persons may act in their own right, they may also request that a representative makes a representation to the licensing authority on their behalf. A representative may include a legal representative, a friend, a Member of Parliament, or a local ward or parish Councillor who can all act in such a capacity.

If they think granting a new, or changing an existing licence or certificate would undermine any of the licensing objectives, they can make representations to the relevant licensing authority. Any representation made by these persons must be 'relevant' to the licensing objectives. They can also ask the licensing authority to review a current premises licence or club certificate if problems occur which undermine the licensing objectives. The licensing objectives are:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder

  • Public safety

  • The prevention of public nuisance

  • The protection of children from harm.

This may affect pubs, clubs, bars. restaurants, supermarkets, off licences, cinemas, theatres, community premises and late night takeaways to name just a few. Under the Act the licensing authority must publish a Statement of Licensing Policy describing how it will promote the licensing objectives above.

Please be aware that it is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application. The maximum fine which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence is £5000.

Guidance for making a representation to an application under the Licensing Act 2003

One of the main aims of the new licensing system is the introduction of more proportionate regulations to give businesses greater freedom and flexibility to meet customers’ expectations, for example by extending or altering opening hours. The new system also aims to provide the necessary protection of any persons whose lives can be blighted by disturbance and anti-social behaviour associated with those visiting licensed premises.

The purpose of this guidance is to therefore offer assistance to members of the public wishing to make representations about licensing applications, such as applications for new premises licences or applications to vary existing premises licences and club premises certificates made under the Licensing Act 2003.

This guidance explains who is entitled to make representations and how such representations should be made. It also explains the process which follows once representations have been received by the Council.

Licensing Act 2003

Under the 2003 Licensing Act Erewash Borough Council is the Licensing Authority, and issues premises licences which allow businesses to carry out the following licensable activities:

  • sale by retail of alcohol
  • the supply of alcohol
  • the provision of regulated entertainment
  • the provision of late night refreshment between 11pm and 5am.

This affects pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants, supermarkets, off licences, cinemas, theatres, community premises and late night takeaways to name just a few.

Under the Act the Licensing Authority must publish a Statement of Licensing Policy showing how it will promote the licensing objectives of:

  • prevention of crime and disorder
  • protection of children from harm
  • public safety
  • Prevention of public nuisance.

Application made under the Licensing Act 2003

A premises licence can authorise one or more licensable activities. Some premises, such as takeaways, will just have late night refreshment while other venues such as hotels and night clubs may have a combination of all licensable activities  

At any time the holder of a premises licence or club premises certificate can make an application to the licensing authority to vary their licence. These variation applications, as well as brand new premises applications, must be advertised, and are subject to public representations. 

Advertising of applications

A blue notice will advertise an application for a new licence or a variation to an existing licence. This will be blue for a full variation, or white for a minor variation. The notice must be prominently displayed on the premises, in a place that is accessible by the public.

The notice will provide a final date for representations as well as brief details of the application.

For full variations and new premises licence applications applicants must also place a notice about their application in a local newspaper that covers the area in which their premises is situated. This notice will appear within 10 days of the applicant making their application to the Licensing Authority.

Criteria for making a representation

Representations can be made against a premises licence application by any person who thinks they may be adversely affected by the application. This includes any individual, body or business. Representations may also be made on behalf of any person by a representative. A representative may include a legal representative, a friend, a Member of Parliament, or a local ward or parish councillor.

The person or organisation does not have to live or have a business interest in the vicinity of the premises, but the representation must be `relevant’, that is, based on the likely effect the granting of the application will have on the promotion of the four licensing objectives:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm

For example, if you are concerned the granting of a variation will lead to an increase in crime and disorder in the area of the premises; this may be classed as a relevant representation.

The licensing authority will also not consider representations that are frivolous or vexatious. A frivolous representation is one that does not have a serious purpose or is not serious in its nature, whilst a vexatious representation is one that is made purely to cause annoyance to the applicant.

Alternatives to making a representation personally

If you do not want your personal details to be released then you can approach a local representative who may consider making the representation on your behalf. You should not delay in seeking a representative as any representations must be received within the 28 day notice period. You could ask a local Councillor (including Town & Parish Councillors), or any other locally recognised body or association. If you are unsure about whom you can approach in your area please contact us and we will be happy to advise.

Firstly, if you have already made a written representation to the Licensing Authority you should contact us without delay and ask for this to be withdrawn.

It is advised that you write to the chosen representative as they will need to keep evidence of your request (in the instance of any further challenge, such as through an appeal hearing). You must provide them with your name, address and details of the grounds upon which your representation is made. They will need to use their local knowledge to satisfy themselves that your representation complies with the required criteria, and agree to take the matter on your behalf.

They should then submit written representation to the Licensing Authority replicating the grounds upon which your representation is made. We will then process this representation as we would any others. For example we will send a copy to the applicant and include a copy in the Panel report.

Please note that all future dialogue and correspondence will be held with your representative, and the licensing authority will not be in a position to make direct contact with you. Consequently the Notice of Hearing and any decision letter will also be sent to your representative.


The Licensing Authority will accept petitions, but there are some important factors to consider before organizing a petition:

  • We ask that the instigator of the petition identifies them as a central point of contact. We may need to make contact in order to verify certain matters and if we are unable to do this it could invalidate the petition.
  • Each page of the petition should contain information as to the purpose of the petition so that all persons know what they are signing.
  • Full names and addresses must be supplied, and finally
  • All signatories must be made aware that a copy of the petition will be supplied to the applicant and a copy will be contained within the committee papers, so their personal details will become public knowledge.

We will not write to each signatory separately, but instead assume that the instigator will advise each signatory of the hearing date and the final outcome of the application. It is expected that the instigator will represent the signatories at the hearing and to speak for them.


If relevant representations are made and accepted by the licensing authority the application shall be referred for a hearing, unless the council, the applicant, and everyone else who has made representations agree that a hearing is not necessary.

The hearing will take place before a Licensing Sub-Committee which is made up of three Councillors selected from the full Licensing Committee.

All parties (the applicant, objectors/representatives of objectors, and any responsible authority such as the police, environmental health, etc that has made a representation), will receive a Notice of Hearing. The Notice will set out the date, time and location and explains the procedure to be followed at the hearing. This notice is usually sent out at least ten days before the hearing.

All parties will be able to address the Sub-Committee. All parties are restricted to equal time in order to make their submissions, therefore where there are a lot of objectors/supporters present, the Sub-Committee may request that a spokesperson is nominated.

The Committee will not permit cross examination between parties.

Note: Whilst this is a public hearing only those who have made their identity known through their letter of representation may address the Committee in person.

 Even if you (or your representative) are unable to attend the hearing the Sub-Committee will still consider your written representation.

In making decisions the Sub-Committee will take into account all of the written and verbal evidence before them. They also have a duty to take into account the licensing objectives set out in the Act, The Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and guidance given by the Secretary of State.

The licensing sub-committee may then:

  • grant the application
  • reject the application.
  • grant the application with modifications

The Committee will normally announce their decision at the hearing, and written confirmation will be distributed to all parties following the hearing.

If any party is aggrieved of the decision, then there is a right of Appeal to the Magistrates Court.

If you wish to withdraw any representations you may do so confirming this in writing, providing you do so no later than 24 hours before any hearing, or otherwise orally at the hearing.


If problems arise following the granting of a licence, anyone can apply for a review of the licence. The procedures followed will be very similar to that of above.


A right of appeal to the Magistrates’ Court is provided for the applicant against a decision by the Licensing Authority.

Further Information

For further information regarding Current Applications, please contact the Licensing Section using the details below:

Licensing Office
Erewash Borough Council
Civic Centre
Derby Road
Long Eaton
NG10 1HU

Call: 0115  9071110