Anti-social Behaviour Case Review

Responding to, and tackling, anti-social behaviour is a priority for all community safety partners in Derbyshire. Erewash Community Safety Partnership brings organisations together to enable us to bring to justice those causing anti-social behaviour and provide support for people affected by it.

Erewash CSP always strives to provide a high level of service, but recognise that there may be times when, we don’t get it quite right and you may find a further review is needed. This is where the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review comes in.

What is the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review?

The Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review gives victims of anti-social behaviour the right to request a review of their case, if their concerns have not been dealt with, or acted upon, and organisations have been unable to resolve the serious persistent, or targeted, anti-social behaviour successfully.

If you haven’t already reported the anti-social behaviour, you should report it to the appropriate organisation. For more information, use the Erewash Borough Council General Enquiries Form

The aim of the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review is to see whether anything else can be done and possibly find solutions that may not have been considered before.

In Derbyshire, the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review process is managed by the local council on behalf of the other organisations that will be involved in the review, such as the police, local health teams and housing providers..

When can I use the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review?

You can use the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review process if:-

  • you have reported three or more related incidents of anti-social behaviour, within the last six months.
It doesn’t matter who the anti-social behaviour has been reported to (the council, the police or your landlord), please use the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review application form on our website.

You can apply for the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review on behalf of someone else, but you must provide their consent, with the application form.

A detailed explanation of the threshold for the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review is contained within the guidance notes that accompany the application form.

When should the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review not be used?

If you haven’t already reported the anti-social behaviour, you should report it to the appropriate organisation. For more information, use the Erewash Borough Council General Enquiries Form which is linked above.

The Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review is not intended to be an alternative to the relevant organisation’s complaints procedure, which is designed to deal with complaints about individual officers, or services.

The complaints procedure is appropriate for concerns such as:-

  • if staff have been rude or disrespectful to you
  • if staff have given inaccurate or misleading information
  • if staff have promised things, such as telephone calls or meetings, and have not delivered on these
  • if the organisation has failed to follow their policy and/or procedure.
If you have followed the relevant organisation’s complaints procedure and you are still dissatisfied, you will be given information about the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, the Housing Ombudsman or the Independent Office for Police Conduct.

How do I use the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review?

In order to use the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review to request an Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review, you must complete the application form. This can be accessed via your My Erewash account. You will find the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review application form under Community Safety Partnership. You will need to use your My Erewash login details, if you do not have an account you can easily create one, providing you have an email address.

If you require a hardcopy of the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review Application Form or help completing the form, please contact:

Katherine Thornhill
Community Safety Officer
Erewash Community Safety Partnership
Ilkeston Town Hall
Derbyshire DE7 5RP

Telephone on 0115 907 2274 or email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There are Guidance Notes to help you complete the application form.

What happens when I submit a Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review Form?

We will confirm receipt of a completed Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review Application Form, within five working days.

We will review the information you have provided, to determine whether your case meets the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review threshold. If it does, the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review will take place. This will involve agencies sharing information, such as with the police, housing, environmental health, social care and health providers, depending on the nature of the case. The Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review will discuss the issues you raise, consider what action has already been taken and consider recommendations for additional action to resolve the problem. We will inform you of the outcome and recommendations.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review, you can lodge an appeal with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire.. The Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner website has more information.

We welcome the opportunity to review cases of anti-social behaviour, but Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review applications may be rejected if they are thought to be prejudicial, discriminatory, malicious, unreasonable or vexatious.

Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review Applications in Erewash

The next update will be September 2024

From April 2023 - March 2024 there were:

0 Applications received
0 Times the threshold has not been met
0 Case reviews carried out
0 Case reviews carried out that have resulted in recommendations being made
0 Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review appeals received

From April 2022 - March 2023 there were:

3 Applications received
1 Times the threshold has not been met
2 Case reviews carried out
1 Case reviews carried out that have resulted in recommendations being made
0 Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review appeals received

From April 2021 - March 2022 there were:

2 Applications received
1 Times the threshold has not been met
1 Case reviews carried out
0 Case reviews carried out that have resulted in recommendations being made
0 Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review appeals received

From April 2020 – March 2021 there were:

2 Applications received
2 Times the threshold has not been met
0 Case reviews carried out
0 Case reviews carried out that have resulted in recommendations being made
0 Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review appeals received

From April 2019 – March 2020 there were:

3 Applications received
1 Times the threshold has not been met
2 Case reviews carried out
2 Case reviews carried out that have resulted in recommendations being made
0 Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review appeals received

From April 2018 – March 2019 there were:

0 Applications received
0 Times the threshold has not been met
0 Case reviews carried out
0 Case reviews carried out that have resulted in recommendations being made
0 Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review appeals received

From April 2017 – March 2018 there were:

0 Applications received
0 Times the threshold has not been met
0 Case reviews carried out
0 Case reviews carried out that have resulted in recommendations being made
0 Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review appeals received

From April 2016 – March 2017 there were:

1 Applications received
0 Times the threshold has not been met
1 Case reviews carried out
1 Case reviews carried out that have resulted in recommendations being made
0 Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review appeals received

From April 2015 – March 2016 there were:

1 Applications received
0 Times the threshold has not been met
1 Case reviews carried out
0 Case reviews carried out that have resulted in recommendations being made
1 Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review appeals received