Advice and Support
Equality considerations for our procurement service
If you are providing a service or goods for the council we ask that you can demonstrate that you are committed to the Public Sector Equality Duty and show regard to:
- The elimination of discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
- The promotion of the equality of opportunity, that is removing or minimising disadvantage and meeting the needs of people in the 9 “protected characteristics”.
- Foster good relations between people whether or not they are in the “protected characteristics” group.
- We do not ask that you sign up to any outside organisation or body to show your equality status but if we are challenged about a service we provide we must be able to show that all our staff and those who we ask to provide goods and services on our behalf are fully committed to equality and diversity principles.
Guidance on language to use when communicating with disabled people
The Equality and Human Rights Commission - working to eliminate discrimination, reduce inequality, protect human rights and to build good relations, ensuring that everyone has a fair chance to participate in society.
Equality Advisory Support Service - provides advice and support on discrimination and Human Rights in England, Scotland and Wales.
Accessible Derbyshire - making life easier for the disabled and their travelling companions.
The Business Disability Forum - helping organisations to be more productive and more effective by being "disability smart".
Sight Support Derbyshire - a charity dedicated to improving the lives of people with sight loss throughout Derbyshire.