Polling Station Review

From 2 October 2023 the Council will review the polling districts, places and stations used throughout the Borough.

The deadline for receipt of public observations on the Returning Officer’s comments and proposals is 23 November 2023.

Why is a review needed?

We are responsible for reviewing these for the Borough of Erewash and Parliamentary constituencies of Erewash and the parts of Mid-Derbyshire that are in the Borough.
A review must be conducted between 1 October 2023 and 31 January 2025 in accordance with Section 18C of the Representation of the People Act 1983.

How is the review conducted?

The responsibility for reviewing polling districts, places and stations rests with the Council.

We must comply with certain requirements when conducting the review:

  • We must seek to ensure that all electors have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable
  • So far as is reasonable and practicable every polling place should be accessible to electors who are disabled
  • A polling place must be designated for each polling district, unless the circumstances of a polling district are such that the location does not materially affect the convenience of the electors.
  • The polling place should be an area in the district, unless there are special circumstances
  • The Returning Officer must comment on the existing and proposed arrangements and allocate electors to polling stations.

What is not covered by this review?

This review will not consider changes to the Borough Ward or Parliamentary Constituency boundaries.
Terminology used in the review

  • A polling district is the geographical area created by sub-dividing a constituency or ward.
  • A polling place is the building or area in which a polling station is located.
  • A polling station is the actual room or area where voting takes place.

Polling Station Review Timetable

2 Oct 2023: Public Notice and commencement of Review Consultation document.
30 Oct 2023: Deadline for receipt of public comments on the review
13 Nov 2023: Issue and publication of the Returning Officer’s comments on the findings and proposals
23 Nov 2023: Deadline for receipt of public observations on the Returning Officer’s comments and proposals
14 Dec 2023: Submission of final proposals to Full Council

Have your say

Consultation will take place from 2 October 2023 until 23 November 2023. You can make comments on the proposals and suggestions for polling places by contacting us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

We would welcome comments regarding the current or proposed arrangements. If you disagree with a proposed polling place it would be helpful if you suggest an alternative venue that you think the Council should consider along with the reasons you think this is a better option.

We would particularly encourage any comments about the accessibility of polling station voting to voters with any type of disability, either at specific polling places or in general.
The Council is required to publish any representations made in the course of the review.