Licensing a Vehicle
The Council issues licences for both hackney carriage and private hire vehicles. All vehicle applications must be accompanied by the correct documentation as detailed below, and all vehicles will be required to be examined at the Council's Works Depot at Merlin Way twice a year.
Please ensure that the vehicle to be licensed fits the specifications required by the Council’s licensing department before applying for a vehicle licence. Please refer to the vehicle specifications in the Guidance Booklet above for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire vehicles, or alternatively contact the licensing department for further advice.
1. Application Process - Vehicle Examinations
To begin the application you must make an appointment for a vehicle inspection at the Merlin Way depot. You must contact the Call Centre on 0115 907 2244 in the first instance and an appointment will be made for you when you have paid the appropriate licence fee. Alternatively you can make an appointment for a vehicle inspection through reception at the Civic Centre, Long Eaton. The vehicle will not be accepted for testing unless you can produce a receipt for your licence fee.
The vehicle should be fully prepared in advance for the examination and the top-sign and taximeter, if applicable, should be fixed in the proper manner.
Vehicle test fees are included within the annual Licence fee. The licence fee includes 1 x 1 hour test to be taken at the Council Depot at Merlin Way every year if the vehicle is less than 5 years old, or in the case of vehicles over 5 years of age, 2 x 1 hour tests to be taken every six months. If the vehicle fails an inspection then a retest fee is payable – this fee is dependent on the length of the retest which can be 1 hour or 30 minutes. This time is determined by the depot and not the licensing section.
The Council are now offering discounts for ''low emission'' vehicles. In order to promote the use of cleaner/greener fuels and engines the Council will offer a discount on the annual licensing fee for vehicle applications where the vehicle to be licensed falls into vehicle excise bands A to C. Vehicle Excise Duty rates (VED) are more commonly known as car tax rates, and are based on official CO2 emissions data. The amount of car tax payable depends on the engine size of the vehicle or the official CO2 emissions and the date of first registration of the vehicle.
Vehicles are allocated into these bands according to their CO2 emissions, and to qualify for the discount vehicles are required to have CO2 emissions below 121g/km. This information can be found on the vehicle V5 logbook. Please contact the licensing office if you require further information or advice on this discount.
After the vehicle has passed the inspection at Merlin Way a vehicle test ‘Pass’ sheet will be issued to the applicant.
2. Six monthly inspections
Follow the procedure as at above. The charge for the test is covered by your annual licence fee so no additional fee is required.
When you have obtained an appointment for your six or four monthly vehicle test please ensure you take with you a valid certificate of insurance and a valid MOT certificate (if applicable).
If your vehicle passes the inspection the above documents will be copied, along with the vehicle inspection 'Pass sheet', and sent to the licensing department. You will NOT be required to make a further appointment with the licensing section. Failure to take the above documents with you to the depot will mean you will have to produce the documents to the licensing section at Long Eaton.
3. Application Process – Required Documents
An appointment must then be made with the licensing section at Long Eaton Civic Centre to produce the correct documentation for the Licence Plates to be issued. Application forms can be downloaded, sent through the post or by telephoning or writing to the Licensing Section or by collecting them in person from the reception desk at the Civic Centre, Long Eaton. Application forms should be completed by applicants in their own hand and submitted with the following documents:
Valid Certificate of Insurance.
For public (hackney carriage) or private hire use as appropriate. Certificates must be for 12 months cover.
Vehicle Registration Document
If the vehicle has been recently purchased and the registration document is at Swansea, the applicant must provide proof of ownership, i.e. receipted bill of sale, giving full details of the vehicle (including model, engine capacity, colour, chassis and engine numbers) and produce the registration document as soon as received to the licensing section.
MOT Certificate
Hackney Carriages applications require an MOT certificate after the first year of date of registration. Private Hire applications require an MOT certificate after the third year of date of registration.
Vehicle Test Sheet
A vehicle test ‘Pass’ sheet is obtained from the Council depot at Merlin way after a successful inspection.
4. Vehicle Licence Plates
- Plates will only be issued on receipt of the appropriate documentation. If plates are required immediately, as in the case of a change of vehicle, suitable notice must be given to the licensing department.
- Vehicle licence plates for both Hackney Carriage and Private Hire vehicles are issued for a 12 month period unless suspended or revoked.
- If a licence is granted to you this will be subject to conditions.
Air Quality Regulations 2019
The Government department DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) want to identify taxis and private hire vehicles entering or moving within any Clean Air Zones throughout the country. A Clean Air Zone is an area where a local authority has taken targeted action to improve air quality. In some cases vehicles will be charged to enter or move around in the Clear Air Zone if their vehicle fails to meet the required emission standards. To enable this all local authorities in England and Wales from 6 January 2020 will have to share certain details on their licensed taxis and private hire vehicles to a central database.
Details of your vehicle that will be shared with DEFRA and will include;
- The vehicle registration mark
- The date from which the licence has effect
- The date on which the licence has effect
- The date on which the licence is due to expire
- A statement as to whether the vehicle is a taxi or a private hire vehicle
- Such other relevant information the licensing authority hold in relation to the vehicle
- Whether the vehicle is a wheelchair accessible vehicle
To obtain a copy of the Guidance Booklet - Vehicles, to discuss your application or to confirm that your vehicle complies with the Council's requirements please contact the licensing section:
Licensing Office
Erewash Borough Council
Civic Centre
Derby Road
Long Eaton
NG10 1HU
Call: 0115 9071110
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.