Leisure facilities in Erewash

The leisure centres in Erewash are now run by Legacy Leisure Ltd.

Victoria Park Leisure Centre, Ilkeston. Telephone number 01159 440400. Victoria Park LC Facebook page

Rutland Sports Park, Ilkeston. The Pewit Pavilion is available to hire. Telephone 01559 302033. Rutland Sports Park Facebook page.

West Park Leisure Centre, Long Eaton  Telephone number 01159 461400. Facebook page.

Foster Carers Leisure Pass Scheme

Foster carers in Erewash, their fostered children and their own children as well as care leavers are eligible for a Leisure Pass.

Derbyshire County Council administer the scheme. Application forms are approved by DCC which can then be taken to the leisure centre to activate membership to the scheme. Applications and further information will be available from your Leaving Care Worker or Social Worker.

The Looked after Children and Foster Carers leisure pass includes:

  1. Free swimming for all children in care aged 16 and under.
  2. Free swim and gym for all care leavers aged 17 – 21, or up to 25 if in full time education, training, apprenticeship, supported accommodation or employment and access to after care services.
  3. Free swim for all foster carers own children aged under 18 and still living at the home address.
  4. Free swim and gym for all DCC foster carers. After Care Workers and supported accommodation staff can also use the scheme but only when working with a young person
  5. Free swim and gym for foster carers adult children if they are still living at the home address and supporting the placement.
  6. Free junior gym for children in care only at the appropriate age

The leisure pass can be used at any of the leisure centres managed by Legacy Leisure Ltd. on behalf of Erewash Borough Council.

Leisure Card

What is a Leisure Card?

  • The Leisure Card entitles you to savings on activities at the four leisure centres and other great benefits
  • The card is an annual subscription

How do I get a Leisure Card?

  • You can buy a Leisure Card from any of our four leisure centres - you may even be entitled to one for free
  • If you fall into one of the categories you can claim a free leisure card and you’ll also benefit from further discounts. If you are entitled to a concessionary card you can also claim up to four extra cards for your dependants

How to apply

  • Complete the application form available from Legacy Leisure.
  • Bring you completed form and payment to any leisure centre
  • If you are applying for a concessionary leisure card you will also need: Proof of identity - an original of either your passport, driving licence,
    birth certificate, council tax or recent utility bill; Proof of concessionary entitlement

Types of Leisure Card

  • Adult: £6.90
  • Junior (up to 16 years): £3.50
  • Family (2 Adults and 3 Children) £19.00
  • Concessionary: FREE
  • Replacement cards: £6.90

Terms and Conditions

  • Online customers can book via the Online Booking System 24 hours per day and 7 days per week
  • Card is purchased annually
  • Customers can book 7 days in advance by telephone or online but now have to pay at the time of the booking.
  • Cancellation of courts giving 48 hours notice a credit note will be applied
  • Cancellation of classes giving 24 hours notice a credit note will be applied
  • Fitness members can book 10 days in advance

Category and Proof of Eligibility Required

1 Foster carers and their fostered and own children (aged under 18) living at home address
2 Looked After Children
3 Care leavers 17-21 or up to 25 if in full time education (or equivalent), supported accommodation or employment and access to after care services
Approval form from Derbyshire County Council’s Looked After Children team. To request a form please telephone 01629 5331904

4 Young people living in supported accommodation
5 Homeless people
Approval form from Erewash Borough Council Housing Options team. Telephone 01159072244

6 People with disabilities - adults and children (including those registered blind and those in receipt of war pensioners mobility
Letter confirming your disability from the DWP, a doctor or health professional or your Blue Badge

7 Carers or buddies attending with a disabled person.
Carers/buddies cannot claim extra passes for dependants
Carers and buddies must support and accompany the disabled person at all times or the normal fee will apply

8 People in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance: Your current award letter from the DWP dated within 6 months

9 People in receipt of Income Support: Your current award letter from the DWP dated within 6 months

10 Unemployed asylum seekers: Official identification from the Home Office

11 European volunteers: Letter confirming you are on the EVS scheme

12 Universal Credit (without earnings): Your current award letter from the Benefits Agency dated within 1 month

13 People in receipt of Pensions Credit Your current award letter from the DWP dated within 6 months.

People in receipt of:-
14 Incapacity Benefit or Employment Support Allowance (ESA)
15 Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
16 Care Allowance or Attendance Allowance or Mobility Allowance: Your most recent award letter from the DWP

17 Active service members Military ID card: A concessionary leisure card is valid for a year provided you remain eligible and are in categories 1-3, 6-7 or 13-17.
For all other categories you will need to prove your eligibility every 6 months.

For an application form ask at your nearest centre. Visit Legacy Leisure for more information.