How to appeal against your council tax band
You can view your property and check if you can request a review, by selecting 'council tax' on the Valuation Office Agency.
You may feel that you have grounds for appealing about the banding of your property.
The grounds for appeal about banding are restricted to the following cases:
Where you believe that the banding should be changed because there has been a material increase or material reduction (this is explained below) in the dwelling’s value
Where you start or stop using part of your dwelling to carry out a business, or the balance between the domestic and business use changes
Where the listing officer has altered a list without a proposal having been made by a taxpayer
Where you become the taxpayer in respect of a dwelling for the first time. (Your appeal must be made within six months, but if the same appeal has already been considered and determined by a Valuation Tribunal, it cannot be made again.)
A material increase in value may result from building, engineering, or other work carried out on the dwelling. In these cases revaluation does not take place until after a sale – so the person appealing would usually be the new owner or resident.
A material reduction in value may result from the demolition of any part of the dwelling, any physical change in the state of the local area or an adaptation to make the dwelling suitable for use by someone with a physical disability. In these cases revaluation should take place as soon as possible.
If you cannot use the online service, call 03000 501 501. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm.
Appeal To a Valuation Tribunal
You may also appeal if you consider that you are not liable to pay Council Tax, for example, because you are not the resident or owner, or because your property is exempt; or that we have made a mistake in calculating your charge.
To make your representations known, you must first write to the Revenues Manager at Erewash Borough Council. You should state who you are and where you live. You should also say which decision you are unhappy with and why you are unhappy with it. The Council may ask for further information.
Erewash Borough Council has two months in which to consider your representations. You will not have to attend a hearing at this stage. If the Council rejects your arguments, or it acts on your complaint but you are still not satisfied, or at the end of two months you have not heard from us, you will be able to appeal to the Valuation Tribunal. You must do this within two months of the date when the Council notified you of its decision, or if you hear nothing, within four months of the date when you wrote to the Council with your representations.
Making an appeal does not allow you to withhold payment of Council Tax owing in the meantime. If your appeal is successful you will be entitled to a refund of any overpaid Council Tax.
For full details on how to appeal please visit the Tribunal website at:
Alternatively they can be contacted by telephone on: 0303 445 8100, or by email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you decide to appeal, you must contact them within 2 months of our decision and include a copy of our decision with your appeal. You can either submit an electronic form or download a form to complete offline (both available from the website), or the Tribunal can send you a paper form if you contact them.
A Tribunal hearing will not cost you anything unless you choose to employ a solicitor or other person to present your case.
If the Tribunal decides in your favour, we will revise your bill and adjust your payments, if necessary.
Further details of the appeal procedure (including the role of Valuation Tribunals) can be obtained from the Revenues Section.