Erewash Core Strategy Review – Evidence Base library

The Borough Council has drawn upon a wide body of evidence which has been influential in the preparation and development of the Erewash Core Strategy Review. The documents set out below span a wide range of planning topics and issues and have been divided into themes for ease of reference. Some of the documents listed are hosted on external websites and the Borough Council will actively monitor these links to ensure documents are able to be readily accessed. 

Core Documents 


CD2 Erewash Local Development Scheme


CD4 Sustainability Appraisal (Submission Version)

CD4a Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary

CD6 Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) – Screening Report

Sustainability Appraisal (Publication Version - Appendices)

CD7A Appendix A1 Policy Options – Employment 

CD7B Appendix A2 Policy Options – Green and Blue Infrastructure

CD7C Appendix A3 Policy Options – Town, Local and Village Centres

CD7D Appendix A4 Policy Options – Transport

CD7EAppendix B1 Site Allocation Options – SGA sites 1, 2, 3 and 5 

CD7FAppendix B2 Site Allocation Options – SGA sites 6, 7, 10 and 11

CD7G Appendix B3 Site Allocation Options – SGA sites 13, 15, 16 and 17

CD7H Appendix B4 Site Allocation Options – SGA sites 19, 20, 21 and 22

CD7J Appendix B5 Site Allocation Options – SGA sites 23, 24, 25 and 26

CD7K Appendix B6 Site Allocation Options – SGA sites 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31

CD7L Appendix C1 Total, Cumulative and Synergistic Effects 

CD7M Appendix D1 Mitigation Analysis 

CD8 – SA Scoping Report

CD8a – SA Scoping Report (Appendix A) 

CD8b - SA Scoping Report (Appendix B)

CD9 – SA testing of Strategic Growth Options

Evidence base documents (EB):
Housing (H):



EBH3 Five Year Housing Land Supply position paper (as at April 1st 2022) 

EBH3c Erewash Updated Housing Trajectory 2022 to 2040 -  June 2024 Final (Also EBC11a)

EBH5 Greater Nottingham Growth Options Study 2020

EBH8 Councils’ response to SHLAA review (November 2020)