Core Strategy Review Latest News

21 June 2024

The Borough Council have written to Carney Sweeney (representing Peveril Homes) over a matter which saw representations made at Publication (Regulation 19) stage appear on the Examination website in an incomplete manner. View the representations.

13 June 2024

The Core Strategy Review Hearings concluded today with a closing statement from the Lead of Planning and Regeneration, Steve Birkinshaw.

In line with Election protocol, there will be no further activity now until after the July 4th General Election has taken place. Next steps, the Council,  will now carry out all necessary tasks deemed to make the Draft Review sound. These tasks involve action points,  Minor Modifications and Main Modifications, which have arisen as a result of the hearings and the Inspector's findings. Once completed, the Modifications will be presented to the public for further consultation.  Should you require any further information, please contact the Programme Officer, Miny Schofield 07799 724690.

The 'Right to be Heard' session will be held today virtually after Matter 10. If anyone would like to attend it, please contact the programme officer for the link.

The Council has released an updated and final version of the Erewash Housing Trajectory (2022 to 2039) – 2024. It is now available to view in the examination library.

12 June 2024

As per the change in the timetable for the hearing sessions for the Core Strategy Review examination, the 'Right to be Heard' session will be held today (June 12) after Matter 9, and Matter 10 will be held tomorrow (June 13). 

11 June 2024

An updated hearings programme INS07d accomodating changes to the sessions, including all participants is now available to view in the Examination Library.

10 June 2024

Detailed agendas for matters 6,7,8,9 and 10 are now available to view prior to the start of live Hearing sessions.

4 June 2024

Public hearings commenced today to examine the Erewash Borough Councils Draft Core Review Strategy. The hearings opened with a Statement delivered by Steve Birkinshaw, Head of Planning & Regeneration. Please see document EBC12

Detailed agendas for matters 3, 4, 5 are now available to view prior to the start of live Hearing sessions.

31 May 2024

An updated hearings programme INS07c including all participants is now available to view in the Examination Library.

Detailed agendas for matters 1 and 2 are now available to view on the hearing agenda page prior to the start of  live Hearing sessions.

14 May 2024

Targeted Consultation Hearing Statements and Targeted Responses to the Inspectors MIQ's

All responses recently submitted  on the following 2 new documents, EBC10 Viability Assessment-South West of Kirk Hallam Update-March 2024 and EBC11 Erewash Housing Trajectory (2022 to 2039) – 2024,  released by the Council and new responses to the Inspector's Matters Issues and Questions are now available to view in the Examination Library.

30 April 2024

An updated hearings programme INS07b including all participants is now available to view in the Examination Library.

26 April 2024

Hearings programme INS07a showing new dates and including all participants is now available to view in the Examination Library.

26 March 2024

Revised Hearing Dates

The Core Strategy Review public hearings will now take place in June 2024, commencing on Tuesday 4th June with Matter 1 at 9.30am. For further details please see:

INS07 Inspectors Revised Draft Hearing Programme

Further details are available on the Live Hearings Information page.

Additional Targeted Consultation January - February 2024

The Council has now completed an additional round of consultation for those people who had not been informed about the publication version of the plan. The additional submitted representations are now available to view as follows:

EBC09  - Statement of Additional Targeted Consultation – A summary

Index of Individual Representations

Next Steps for Respondents of the Targeted Consultation 15 Jan- 26 Feb 2024

People who made representations as part of the additional round of consultation are now invited to submit comments in response to the Inspectors  Matters, Issues and Questions contained in document INS03. Please also refer to INS08 Inspector’s Revised Guidance Notes for further details.

New documents released by the Council

The Council have recently released 2 new documents.

EBC10 Viability Assessment-South West of Kirk Hallam Update-March 2024

EBC11 Erewash Housing Trajectory (2022 to 2039) – 2024

Next Steps for Existing Respondents

Given the passage of time and the release of new documents, those Respondents who have already submitted responses to the Matters, Issues and Questions are invited to update their statements if they wish. Any updated statements should be submitted to the Programme Officer by 12:00 midday on Wednesday 8 May 2024. Please also refer to INS08 Inspector’s Revised Guidance Notes.

Should you require any further information on any of the above items, please contact the Programme Officer, Miny Schofield This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  07799 724690.

11 January 2024

Council's Response to the Inspector’s letter INS06

EBC08 is now available to view in the Examination Library

09 January 2024

Hearings Postponed Until Further Notice

Inspectors Response to the Council’s letter EBC07 – regarding Regulation 18 and Regulation 19 Consultations

The Inspector, Ms. Ford, has responded to the Council. In her letter INS06, a decision has been taken to postpone the forthcoming hearings until further consultation work is carried out by the Council. Please also refer to documents INS05 and EBC07.

22 December 2023

Letter to the Council from the Inspector re Regulation 18 and 19 Consultations

A letter (INS05) with regards to collecting information for their Regulation 19 consultation was sent to the Council on 14 December 2023 from the Inspector.  The Council's response letter (EBC07) to the Inspector is now available to view in the Examination Library. We now await the Inspector's decision highlighting the way forward.

22 December 2023

INS04c – Updated Draft hearings Programme

INS04c is now available to view in the Examination Library

21 December 2023

Hearing Statements

All hearing statements for the public examination have now been received and  may be viewed in the Examination Library under Hearing Statements.

20 December 2023

Hearing Statements deadline for Matters 8 and 9

All hearing statements received so far may be viewed in the Examination Library on the Hearing Statements page using the link above.

The deadline for receiving Matters 8 and 9 was 15th December 2023 and they are now available to view in the Examination Library. Matters 2,4, 6, 7,  and 10 are due in on 21st December 2023. 

18 December 2023

On the 30th November just before an Extraordinary Council Meeting , where Councillors were looking to withdraw the current submitted Draft Core Strategy Review,  the Council was issued with a letter (OTH01) from the Lee Rowley, the Minister for Housing, serving a Section 27 notice to stop this action going forward.  The Council were asked to respond to Mr. Rowley by 14th December 2023 and the response from Councillor James Dawson may be viewed in document OTH02

Please note, until any further instructions have been received from either parties, the public examination is still in progress and live hearings will still take place, commencing on Tuesday 16th January 2024 with Matter 1. 

12 December 2023

Live Hearings Information

All information relating to the forthcoming Hearing sessions may be found in the Examination library here Live Hearings Information.

As well as directions to the venue, parking information, and the latest draft programme you may also access hearing statements and agendas here.  This page will be updated as further items become available.

07 December 2023

Hearing Statements deadline for Matters 1, 3 and 5

All hearing statements received so far may be viewed in the Examination Library on the Hearing Statements page.

The deadline for receiving Matters 8 and 9 is 15th December 2023,  and Matters 2,4, 6, 7,  and 10 the 21st December 2023.

INS04b Draft Hearing Programme Updated for Matter 7 Housing Land Supply

Please note, the hearing session for Matter 7 Housing Land Supply has been moved from Thursday 1st February 2024 to 9.30am on Wednesday 7th February 2024.

The amended Hearing programme may be viewed here:


04 December 2023

The Examination in public of the Draft Core Strategy Review will now continue as planned with a few alterations to Hearing statement submission dates and Hearing sitting days.

Draft Hearings Programme

INS04a the amended draft hearings programme including participants is now available to view in the Examination Library. Hearings under the new timetable will commence with Matter 1 at 9.30am on Tuesday 16 January 2024.

The Inspector has issued revised, phased submission deadlines for existing Respondents to submit Hearing statements as follows:

Matters 1, 3 and 5 – to be received by 5pm on 7th December 2023

Matters 8 and 9 - to be received by 5pm on 15th December 2023

Maters 2, 4, 6, 7 and 10 - to be received by 5pm on 21st December 2023

All hearings statements must be received electronically by the programme officer at the allotted deadline, and they will be added to the Examination Library shortly afterwards.

30 November 2023

The Extraordinary meeting was adjourned this evening shortly after it started. Earlier in the day a letter was received by Councillor James Dawson (Leader of the Council) from Lee Rowley the appointed Minster of State (Minister for Housing) in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to inform the Council that they would not be able to withdraw the plan.

24 November 2023

In light of the recent news with regards to the Extraordinary Council Meeting being held on November 30th 2023, the Planning Inspector has moved the Hearing Statements submission deadline to 5pm on Thursday 7th December 2023 with a view to holding all of the public examination hearings in January 2024. Further information will be provided here following the outcome of the meeting.

23 November 2023

Extraordinary Council Meeting

An extraordinary council meeting will take place on 30 November to consider the withdrawal of the  Core Strategy Review.  The agenda and report can be found here.

Details of Extraordinary Council Meeting

05 October 2023

Inspector's Matters Issues and Questions

We have now reached the next stage of the Examination and the Inspector has released to the Council, Examination Guidance Notes, a Draft Hearings Programme and the Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions.

The Inspector is inviting those individuals who submitted comments at the Regulation 19 consultation who wish to participate in the Hearings to contact the Programme Officer no later than 12:00 midday on Friday 3rd November 2023.

The same respondents are also invited to submit written hearing statments in response to the Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions (INS04). The Hearing Statements are to be received by 12:00 midday on Thursday 30th November 2023. The Programme officer is happy to receive all correspondence by email with statements attached. However, paper copies by post will also be acceptable.

For more details, please refer to documents:

The following documents have been recently released and are referred to in the Inspectors questions. They may also be found in the Examination Library along with all other Examination documents:

Should you require any assistance with this consultation please contact the programme Officer Miny Schofield by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or call 07799 724690

5 July 2023

Following the Inspector’s Initial questions and the Council’s response to them the Council is currently undertaking additional work and a further update will be provided in due course. No other updates including timings for the Inspectors Matters, Issues and Questions or Hearing dates are available at this moment in time.

There has been a change in Programme Officer, this change occurred after Erewash responded to the Initial Questions. Miny Schofield is the Programme Officer going forward, please note, a change in contact details. The email address remains the same and the phone number is now 07799 724690. 

8th March 2023

It has been brought to our attention the link to Appendix E - Statement of Consultation was broken, this is now fixed and the document is now available to download below.

28th February 2023

The Council has written a response to the Planning Inspectorate regarding the Initial Questions, the response sent through on Thursday 23rd February is available to view on the website.

Read the EBC01 Initial Questions Response.

31st January 2023

The Council has received initial questions from the Planning Inspectorate. A response to the initial questions is due by Thursday 23rd February, although this date may be postponed. The letter the Council received from the Planning Inspectorate containing the initial questions can be viewed from the link below. The Planning Inspectorate is not inviting any comments from other interested parties at this time.

Read the INS01 Initial Questions Letter.

10th January 2023

In accordance with section 20(4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Kelly Ford MSc, MRTPI has been appointed to hold an independent examination of the Erewash Core Strategy Review.  The purpose of the independent examination is set out in S20(5).