Bus Shelters
Bus shelters are owned by Derbyshire County Council, and working in partnership with them Erewash Borough Council will carry out any emergency repairs. Requests for new bus shelters can be made through Derbyshire County Council.
Street Name Signs
We deal with the maintenance of the litter bins and benches.
The Council has a duty to maintain street name signs. These signs are either installed in the footway or verge, or on a private building or wall. If you see a street name sign that is damaged or in poor condition, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following information:
- Name of street.
- Description of the location (for example at the junction with Main Road on left hand side).
- Name of town or village.
- Reason for replacement being needed (missing, faded, damaged)
A photo would also be helpful, but this is not essential.
Street name signs on private buildings and walls
Before any work can be undertaken by the Council on street name signs attached to private buildings and walls, the property owner must first complete and return a consent form. You can write to:
Green Space & Street Scene Officer
Erewash Borough Council
Operational Services
Merlin House
Merlin Way
Contact us:
Complete an online form through your My Erewash account.
For out of hours emergencies please call 0115 907 2244.