
Find out about the council's online consultation panel.

EBC Tracker Survey

These surveys ask general questions about Erewash Borough Council, the services it provides and their methods of communication. The same questions are used on a regular (quarterly) basis to allow the council to monitor and compare its performance over time.

The next Tracker Survey for 2024-25 (Q2.) will be available for completion during September 2024.    

Tracker Surveys will also be available for completion in the following months:

  • Q3. November and December 2024.
  • Q4. February and March 2025. 

Derbyshire County Council

Derbyshire County Council (DCC) is committed to listening and learning from local people and provide important services to residents, visitors, employers and employees in the county and are always looking for ways to improve them.

Finding out what people think of the services DCC provide is essential because it helps the council to work out how to improve them and their commitment to consult ensures this will happen. Consultation is the process of informed communication between DCC and the users of their services prior to the council making a policy decision or determining changes to service delivery.

Details about current DCC consultations carried out in the past and those planned for the future can be found at Derbyshire County Council Have Your Say where you can read about the purpose of each consultation, find out who is being consulted and how to get involved.