Move to Universal Credit

a small wood and blue ball rolls down a piece of materialUniversal Credit is simplifying the benefits system by combining the following six benefits and tax credits (Housing Benefit, Income Support, Income-Based Job Seeker’s Allowance, Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance, Working Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits) into one single monthly payment.

The Department for Work and Pensions is writing to most people who receive these benefits to let them know that they need to claim Universal Credit instead, to ensure they still continue receiving financial support. This letter is called a ‘Migration Notice’.

You do not need to take any action until you receive your Migration Notice letter, however when you do, it’s important you check the date that you will need to claim by as you won’t be moved automatically.

Please don’t ignore your letter as it explains what you need to do next. It also provides information on the help available to prevent you from missing out on financial support from the government.

If you want some help with your Universal Credit application or you’re concerned about managing your income until you receive your first Universal Credit payment, there are different types of support available.

Find out more at Move to Universal Credit (

Universal Credit is for people who are on a low income and who are not working. Certain benefit claimants will need to claim Universal Credit via the local Job Centre.

The following benefits were previously replaced by Universal Credit and will be included with in any award:

  • Income Support

  • Income Related Jobseeker’s Allowance

  • Income Related Employment Support Allowance

  • Housing Benefit

  • Working Tax Credit

  • Child Tax Credit.

Universal Credit will be administered by the Department for Work and Pensions and paid on a monthly basis. Information on eligibility and how to make a claim can be found on the website.

You will need the following when making an online application:

  • National Insurance number

  • Details of any capital held in any bank, building society or Post Office accounts

  • Your tenancy agreement (where applicable)

  • Details of any other income

  • Details of other benefits you may receive

  • Details of your household make up maybe required. ( such as partners income )

  • Your email address and telephone number.

Please be aware any delay in applying to the Department of Work and Pensions for Universal Credit can only be backdate in exceptional circumstances.

Who can apply?

Post codes served by the Ilkeston and Long Eaton Job Centres within Erewash offer a Full Digital Universal Credit Service. All new applications should be for Universal Credit instead of Housing Benefit unless they fall into one of the exempt categories:

  • Tenants in exempt supported or temporary accommodation
  • Those of State Pension Credit Age. However from 15th May 2019 in circumstances where one of a couple is under State Pension Age an application for Universal Credit needs to be made.
Those in receipt of a Severe Disability Premium, or has within the last month had an award of Income Support, Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance, Income-Based Jobseeker's Allowance or Housing Benefit that includes a SDP. For explanation of SDP head to Severe Disability Premium information on

If you are liable to pay rent your address the housing costs (which would previously be Housing Benefit) will be included in your Universal Credit award and paid monthly. In certain circumstances if you are unable to manage your finances you can request payment of the Housing Element to be made directly to your landlord.

Help towards the payment of Council Tax is called Council Tax Support. Council Tax Support should be claimed from the local authority. If you do not make a claim for Council Tax Support you will then be liable to meet the full Council Tax charge.

Discretionary Housing Payments

Discretionary Housing Payments will still be administered by Erewash Borough Council even if you no longer claim Housing Benefit but in receipt of the Housing Element of Universal Credit and you have a shortfall.

Further information on how to claim can be obtained from any of the following: