Foreword by Councillor James Dawson, Leader of the council 
Erewash Borough Council’s new administration is pledging that the cost of living crisis is its absolute number one priority. This comes as residents face rocketing fuel bills and soaring prices for basics such as food and keeping a roof over their heads.
The following action plan details how the council aims to boost the practical help it can give to those struggling – despite the inevitable squeeze on its own finances.
The authority will continue to partner where it can with central government, Derbyshire County Council, local health services, charities and volunteers.
This guide covers the seven key areas where we are making a positive impact:
- Information and Advice
- Help with Energy Costs
- Supporting Everyday Living Expenses
- Supporting Jobs
- Support with Housing
- Financial Support
- Community Grants
Erewash Borough Council Leader Councillor James Dawson said: “Times are tough and getting worse. There is no magic wand - but we are laser-focussed on putting the people who live in the borough first.”
Information and advice
Comprehensive updated guidance for residents on how Erewash Borough Council and its partners can help with the cost of living crisis is on the EBC website, click on the dedicated Cost of Living page.
The council has a Service Level Agreement with Citizens Advice Derbyshire Districts, which sees the organisation provide support and practical guidance to struggling residents on tackling cost of living and debt problems. This includes face to face debt advice. The local CADD centre is at Castledine House, Heanor Road, Ilkeston DE7 8DY. Outreach appointment sessions are in most GP surgeries and Children’s Centres across Erewash. The CADD hotline is 0808 278 7954.
Derbyshire Community Bank is developing a referral system to consider payments to residents. It also offers free debt guidance including via the Money Advice Service. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Call: 01332 348144.
The Money Advice and Pensions Service (MAPS) is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions and offers free independent debt advice. Referrals for debt advice can be made by the council. Call: 0115 907 2244. Further information on debt advice can be found on the debt advice page.
Derbyshire Welfare Rights Service offers help and guidance on benefits, tax credits and employment issues from claims to presentation. Call: 01629 531535.
Ex-Forces personnel can contact the Royal British Legion for help with debt problems and advice at but are urged to first get in touch with Veterans’ Gateway. Call: 0808 802 1212.
Help with energy costs
LAD3 and HUG2 (Local Authority Development phase 3 and Home Upgrade Grant phase 2) are schemes that focus on improving the energy efficiency of private properties and those properties that are off the gas supply grid. The council’s capital budget for LAD3 has been £675,000 and has covered solar panels in 26 homes plus external wall insulation in 18 homes. These are in qualifying owner-occupied homes on the gas network in Erewash. More green upgrades are planned ahead of the project’s deadline of 30 September 2023. The council is seeking to commit £270,000 in 2023/2024 and £405,000 in 2024/2025 for HUG2 to install energy efficiency measures in qualifying owner-occupied homes that are off the gas network in Erewash.
In addition, money from the Shared Prosperity Fund is being allocated to improve the energy efficiency of properties occupied by vulnerable households and likely to be in fuel poverty.
The Household Support Fund is for eligible elderly residents and people on a low income receiving home care support from the council. It also offers help for those using alternative fuels.
Details at
The Severn Trent Big Difference scheme can reduce water bills for households with an income below £20,048 and in some cases more. Visit
The British Gas Energy Trust supports families and individuals facing hardship and energy debt
Supporting everyday living expenses
The council and its partners are committed to helping residents with everyday expenses.
Food banks:
Long Eaton, Baptist Church, Station Street and Christ Methodist Church, College Street
Sawley, 165 Wilmot Street
Ilkeston, Arena Community Hub, Mundy Street
West Hallam Methodist Church, High Lane West
Kirk Hallam, Every One Eats, Community Pantry
Capped single journey
Bus fares of £2 (until 31 October 2023 – then £2.50 until November 2024) by participating companies.
Community Shuttle
Trial project in Ilkeston of a free bus to the top of town for people with mobility issues (paid for out of Shared Prosperity Fund).
Erewash Community Transport – charity and volunteer organisation offering those unable to use public transport a means of affordable and accessible alternatives such as minibuses. Call: 0115 9309 134.
Fun days and food camps in Ilkeston and Sandiacre during summer for children entitled to free school meals, via Derbyshire Holiday Activity and Food Programme. Email for inquiries:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Aid via the Arena Community charity
Supported Living programme for the homeless, plus help for vulnerable
pensioners and children, baby supplies, kids club, furniture bank, clothing bank, homeless packs, free showers, laundry facilities. Call: 0115 944 4990.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Leisure centre concessions
For adults in receipt of Pension Credit, Incapacity Benefit, Employment Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Allowance, Care Allowance, Attendance Allowance, Job Seeker Allowance, Income Support, Asylum Seekers, European Volunteers, Universal Credit (without earnings), care leavers (aged 17-21), foster carers and carers’ children (aged 16 or under), and Active Service Members.
Free entry to Erewash Museum
The Erewash Museum’s Cultural Events Programme is thanks to money secured by the council from the Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund. Call: 0115 907 1141.
Supporting Jobs
Visit Erewash Campaign
Project to promote Ilkeston, Long Eaton and the recreational use of the Erewash countryside (funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund).
Empty Shop Signage Grant
Scheme 2023-2025 – up to £2,000 to pay for quality signage when new businesses move into empty shops in Ilkeston and Long Eaton (funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund).
Manufacturing R&D Grants
To encourage research and development by local manufacturing businesses (funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund).
Erewash Partnership Service Level Agreement
To extend the current Service Level Agreement that helps support existing businesses and new start-ups (funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund). The council won £24.8million from the government in the Long Eaton Town Deal to support regeneration there. Visit
In addition, the council is committed to supporting Long Eaton and Ilkeston town centre open air markets.
Help is also offered with work experience and apprenticeship placements at the council. Contact the HR team on 0115 931 6001 to find out more.
Support with housing
Homelessness services:
Housing Options provides help and advice to people at risk of losing their home or those who are already homeless. You can get help for yourself or someone else by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In addition, the council has secured government funding to help people who are sleeping rough through the Derbyshire Outreach Team (DOT): or by ringing 0808 1968 199. The service aims to help the person sleeping rough with temporary accommodation and then works to find more permanent housing.
Homelessness Prevention Fund
To assist complex homeless cases in which rent arrears and other tenancy-related debts are a barrier to securing long-term accommodation.
Derbyshire Healthy Homes Programme
Provided by Derbyshire County Council and offers a range of interventions to help residents keep warm and well at home including:
- Warmth solutions: heating systems, repairs and insulation.
- Managing fuel costs: tariff switching, metering and billing issues. Call: 01629 536919. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Warmer Derby and Derbyshire
The council provides some advice on energy efficiency on its website and has part-funded Warmer Derby and Derbyshire to give free advice on areas such as energy bills, switching tariffs, applying for grants for heating
systems and insulation. Freephone: 0800 677 1332 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
East Midland Homes Money Matters scheme
Help with benefit entitlements, budgeting, managing debt, referrals to food banks and reducing water bills – saving £385k for clients last year. Call: 0300 123 6000.
Household Support Fund
Help with rents/housing costs. Visit - Eligible tenants can get Housing Benefit - Eligible residents on low incomes can get Universal Credit - Eligible residents in receipt of Housing Benefit or Universal Credit (with housing costs) can get Discretionary Housing Payments.
There is further financial support available until 30 September 2024, see our dedicated Household Support Fund section for more information.
Call B4 You Serve
A service that is free to landlords and their agents where there is a dispute or a growing disagreement between landlord and tenant. The service, part funded by the council, aims to avoid ending the tenancy by working with the landlord and their tenants as early as possible to find a solution. Visit email cb4ys@ or call 01332 640962.
Legal advice
The council funds Derbyshire Law Centre to provide specialist advice to tenants and owners where their home might be at risk or where a tenant believes they have been evicted unlawfully. Contact us by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Disabled Facilities Grants
help people with mobility issues to live independently in their own homes through making adaptations to the home to make them accessible. Visit disabled-grants Contact Derbyshire County Council if you think you need an adaptation to your home at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01629 533190.
Housing Standards
The council works with landlords and tenants to make sure that homes are safe and free from hazards such as damp and mould. For information on the law and how to comply to make sure people’s homes are safe and fit to live in, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Visit the tenants owners and landlords page
Financial support
Residents can apply to for emergency cash payments from the Derbyshire Discretionary Fund (via Derbyshire County Council). Cal: 01629 533399. This includes:
- £140 one-off fuel voucher discount scheme for pensioners in receipt of certain benefits
- Help with food costs. Eligible residents can get:
- A weekly shop at a foodbank
- Grocery Vouchers to help with their food costs
- Free school meal vouchers and holiday meal vouchers
Help with Council Tax charges and arrears
This is from Erewash Borough Council which provides:
- Local Council Tax Support for low income residents
- Discretionary Council Tax Support
- Hardship Payment of up to £35 towards outstanding Council Tax in 2023/24 if in receipt of Local Council Tax Support (whilst funds allow) • Council Tax exemptions, discounts, disregards and reliefs
- Help with rent charges and arrears
- Housing Benefit for low income residents
- Universal Credit with housing costs included
- Discretionary Housing Payments Visit for more information.
Youth Employment Support Hub
In addition the borough is also home to: Cotmanhay and Ilkeston Adult Community Education Centre (Mon-Wed drop-ins, Thursday appointments at Ilkeston Library). This is run by Derbyshire County Council. Call 01629 539720.
Community buildings
Council owned buildings that are offered at affordable rents to support volunteer organisations and sports groups that benefit local residents.
Community grants
Erewash Borough Council will seek to mitigate the cost of living crisis for voluntary groups and community organisations as they face soaring bills. This is so they can use more of their funding to help the local people they serve. The council’s strategy includes:
Fast Funding Grants
A pot of £60k has been allocated for community bids of up to £1.5k for fast funding grants across 2023/24 and 2024/25. These are for voluntary and community sector groups to undertake projects and initiatives to support local people with a focus on increasing public engagement, increasing volunteering, tackling the cost of living crisis and other community benefits. Visit the Fast Funding page or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Health and Wellbeing benefits
Around £20k will be allocated to commission specific projects and initiatives to deliver health and wellbeing benefits to local communities across 2023/24 and 2024/25.
Community Carbon Grants
To reduce carbon emissions by grant funding energy efficiency improvements for community organisations so they can make cost savings. Funding advice can be found on the other funding page and also via Erewash Voluntary Action on 0115 946 6740, which offers guidance on grants