Household Support Fund 

Funded by UK Government logoThe Household Support Fund is to support households facing exceptional financial hardship. 

This grant is funded by the UK Government and is intended to help with essential household costs such as arrears for Gas, Electricity, Water rates and/or Rent arrears.

To be considered for help you must be:

  • Over the age of 18.
  • Be liable for Council Tax, Rent or a Mortgage.
  • Have less than £1,000 in capital.
  • Can demonstrate that you have a negative budget. A negative budget is where your essential outgoings are no longer covered by your income.

You must be able to demonstrate financial hardship and MEET THE CONDITIONS OF EITHER A, B or C.

A - Receive at least one of the following:

  • Attendance Allowance (AA)
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • War Pensions Mobility Supplement
  • Carer's Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Working and/or Child Tax Credits
  • Income Support
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)

B - Have a weekly net household income below: (based on the minimum income standard calculator)

  • £331 for a single person
  • £495 for a couple
  • £510 for a lone parent
  • £743 for a couple with dependant child/children

C -

  • You are a Care Leaver and currently being supported by the Derbyshire County Council's leaving care service.
  • Have caring responsibilities, this can include full and part time carers.

The Household Support Fund cannot be used to provide mortgage support. If you are a homeowner and having difficulty with your mortgage payments, you should contact your lender as soon as possible.

Homeowners facing financial hardship can still apply for help with essential household costs such as Gas, Electricity and Water rates arrears.

Homeowners having difficulty with mortgage payments, in receipt of or treated as receiving a qualifying benefit could be entitled to support with mortgage interest, for more information please visit Support for mortgage interest

How to apply:

The current scheme is now CLOSED.  Further schemes could be announced so keep checking back.

For information about other help that may be available through the Household Support Fund please visit Household Support Fund - Derbyshire County Council.

Further financial help and support is available from the Derbyshire Discretionary Fund.

Are you threatened with Homelessness?

Erewash Borough Council has specialist Housing Options Officers whose role is to try and get involved at an early stage to work with those people who are in housing crisis and who may be in fear of losing their home.

Housing Support Services in Erewash

There are a number of services in Erewash which help to support people to live more independently and maintain their accommodation.

A full list of support services in Erewash can be found on the Erewash Directory of Support Services.

Referrals to supported housing can be made, where appropriate, by the Housing Options Team or other organisations.

Many of these services are co-ordinated and funded by the Derbyshire Accommodation and Support Team at the county council. There is a directory of all Derbyshire housing-related support schemes on the Derbyshire County Council website.