Shared Prosperity Fund - Investing in our communities
Erewash Borough Council successfully bid for a £2.8m share of the Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund for community and business projects for two years in 2023.
The projects include:
- A 3G pitch project at Rutland Sports Park has now been completed. See this latest news item.
- Bennerley Viaduct Study: To establish options to improve access to Bennerley Viaduct.
- Golden Hello Scheme: This aims to encourage new businesses opening in empty shops by providing a grant for quality new signage and marketing.
- Proposed Ilkeston Nature Reserve: Enhancement of the wildlife value and public amenity at the former Pewit Golf Course and Manor Floods LNR, including substantial tree planting to help address the impacts of climate change. See this latest news article for the latest on this ongoing project.
- Cultural Events Programme: Increased awareness of and engagement with the Erewash Museum through a programme of enhanced events. See the Erewash Museum Facebook page for information on upcming events.
- An enhanced community grant scheme. See Fast Funding community grants for more information on how to apply.
- Erewash Borough Council has a small pot of grant funding for local community and voluntary groups who own or long-term lease the premises they operate from. This funding is for energy-saving improvements to the building - such as solar panels or heat pumps - that will reduce carbon emissions and lower bills. Find out more about the Community Energy Resilience Grant.
- A manufacturing Research & Development grant for local manufacturing businesses.
- A project to replace the existing play equipment at West Park, Long Eaton with a significantly upgraded play area at the park in Long Eaton. This is now complete. Find out more in this news article.
- A Visit Erewash Campaign to promote recreational use of the Erewash countryside. Head to the Visit Erewash website.
- Community Shuttle: A vehicle to carry passengers up Bath Street to improve the accessibility of Bath Street for people with walking difficulties. The funding for this project has now been allocated elsewhere. See this latest news item for more information.
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.