We manage and maintain three active cemeteries within the borough. Each cemetery provides an attractive and dignified resting-place for lost loved ones. We also maintain closed churchyards on behalf of the church following the last interment.
Please note that the cemetery gates will be shut approximately one hour before dusk.
The three active cemeteries in Erewash are:
Longmoor Cemetery
Open 7.30am every day of the year. Closing time vary as below:
January, February, November & December at 3.30pm
March & October 5.30PM
April & September 6PM
May, June, July & August at 7PM
The newest of our cemeteries was opened in 1998 following the closure of Long Eaton Cemetery to new burials.
The site was developed in partnership with Breaston Parish Council who own and run the adjacent parish cemetery. Both cemeteries share the small chapel on the Breaston side.
Please note that ground conditions vary within this cemetry and may be prone to flooding.
Park Cemetery, Park Drive
Open 7.30am every day of the year. Closing time vary as below:
January, February, November and December at 3.30PM
March & October 5.30PM
April & September 7PM
May, June, July & August at 8PM
1. The above times apply to the pedestrian gates only and the access gates for vehicles are normally locked around 3pm weekdays (except Fridays when locked at noon) and left closed at weekends.
2. The pedestrian gate at the bottom of the cemetery is locked 15 minutes before the above times so visitors should leave via the upper gate near the chapel if staying until the end of the day.
3. No private vehicles are permitted within the cemetery unless displaying a valid Blue Badge.
The first burial took place here in the 1892 and continues to provide the residents of Ilkeston as the main public cemetery to day. The cemetery's chapel is a grade II listed building, built in 1910.The cemetery is attractively set in an undulating landscape offering a rich haven for wildlife. Many of the mature trees have bird boxes attached to them.
Long Eaton Cemetery
Open 7.30am every day of the year. Closing time vary as below:
January, February, November & December at 3.30PM
March & October 5.30PM
April & September 7PM
May, June, July and August at 8PM
Long Eaton Cemetery accepted its first burial in 1884 and was finally closed to new burials in 1998. There is still room for ashes interments and burials in existing graves. It has a grade II listed chapel building.
Burials can take place in our cemeteries as a choice of one of four types:
Here the burial takes place in a grave in an ordered row with the headstones placed in regimented rows with closely mown grass between. No planting of shrubs, flowers or trees is permitted to maintain the neat appearance.
Graves in this section may be surrounded by kerbstones and the space within planted up with trees and shrubs. Maintenance is more awkward in this section, so the cost of burial is more for this choice.
A more environmentally appreciative style of interment can be chosen which consist of a tree as a memorial (instead of a stone). The coffin can be made of other materials such as cardboard. The section is maintained less intensively so as to encourage wildflowers and eventually to form a woodland.
Cremated remains may be buried either in the section dedicated to this form of interment or within existing graves reserved for coffin burials.
Burial Records
All records of interments in the three cemeteries are held at Bramcote Crematorium in the Cemeteries Central Office.
For those wishing to trace past family members should contact the cemetery office on 0115 917 3338.
To make the search process easier, it would be helpful if you could provide the full name of the deceased and a date when they would have been buried. Please note that complex involved searches will incur a charge.
We also welcome personal enquiries and are happy to make the records available for inspection. This service is by appointment only.
Buying a grave
It is possible to buy a grave in one of Erewash's cemeteries for future use (Ilkeston and Longmoor Lane Breaston only). To do this, either phone on 0115 917 3338 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Appointments can be made to view the cemeteries for you to choose your plot (Monday to Friday morning only). The cost for the grave will depend on the section you choose.
charges for buying a grave
Administration fee charge |
Purchase right of burial, including register of deed. (All graves including vaults) | £877.00 |
Purchase right of burial (in kerb section including register of deed | £1042.00 |
Right to construct vault | £906.00 |
Purchase plot for cremated remains, including register of deed | £270.00 |
Internment fees: Earths graves and vaults | Charge
0 to 17 years |
Charge 18 years & over |
Residents of the borough 4'6" (new and re-open) | NIL | £900.00 |
6' (new and re-open) | NIL | £974.00 |
Non residents of the borough. Charges for non-residents are double those of residents (except in cases of council tax payers who have become Non-resident due to ill health or infirmity). This exception applies for a period of 10 years after moving out of the Borough. Two Caskets: Internment rates for two caskets at the same time is 1.5 times the standard rate | N/A | N/A |
Cremated Remains: Internment of cremated remains | NIL | £247.00 |
Scattering of cremated remains in the Garden of Remembrance | NIL | 50.00 |
Memorials | Charge |
Right to erect headstone with inscription | £247.00 |
Right to erect small headstone with inscription, in ashes section | £247.00 |
Right to erect cremated remains grave plaque with inscription | £150.00 |
Right to erect kerbstone with inscription | £682.00 |
Right to additional inscription on all memorials | £50.00 |
Vase with inscription up to 450mm in height | £83.00 |
Additional Services / Charges | Charge |
Service in Chapel | £164.00 |
Grave transfer fee:
Basic £46.00/ Complex £75.00 Free |
Purchase on unused plots from owner | Current plot purchase price less £55 administration fee |
Late burial fee applicable to bookings arranged to take place outside of normal working times or where a coffin is committed to the grave after 2.30pm during normal working hours | £207.00 |
A surcharge of 30% will be applied to any interment, where the actual coffin size is smaller than that submitted, resulting in unnecessary and excessive soil being excavated and handled | 30% Surcharge |
An invoice will be issued which can be paid online, over the phone or by post. Once paid the deeds will be sent to you.
Bramcote Crematorium was built in 1979 in a joint venture by Broxtowe and Erewash Borough Councils.
The crematorium is of contemporary design and set in 18 acres of natural woodland.
For more information visit the Bramcote Crematorium website.
All records of interments in the three cemeteries are held at Bramcote Crematorium in the Cemeteries Central Office.
For those wishing to trace past family members should contact the cemetery office on 0115 917 3338 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To make the search process easier, it would be helpful if you could provide the full name of the deceased and a date when they would have been buried. Please note that complex involved searches will incur a charge.
We also welcome personal enquiries and are happy to make the records available for inspection. This service is by appointment only.