Developer Contributions

Erewash Borough Council adopted the Developer Contributions (S.106) Supplementary Planning Document on 8 April 2015. 

The Developer Contributions SPD identifies the infrastructure needs of the Borough and then assesses the viability of new housing development to meet those needs, and consequently provides guidance on which of these needs developments will be expected to contribute to.

Contributions covered by this SPD relate primarily to residential developments. Non-residential development requirements, particularly retail and commercial, will be covered on a case by case basis. This SPD is a material consideration when assessing planning applications. As an SPD, this document does not introduce new policy and its content is in conformity with the adopted Erewash Core Strategy and remaining Saved Policies. It is intended to support and expand on policies which have already been consulted on, examined in public and ultimately adopted.

The draft SPD was consulted on between 5 January and 16 February 2015. The Statement of Consultation summarises the consultation that was undertaken as well as the findings and outcomes. In addition, the SPD was subject to a full Strategic Environmental Assessment screening process which confirmed that the Borough Council did not need to produce an accompanying Sustainability Appraisal. 

If you require any further information, please contact the Planning Policy team via