Make a representation on a planning application
If you wish to make comments on a planning application you can do this:
- Online Planning Enquiry Form
- Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Post - Planning Department
Erewash Borough Council
Town Hall
Wharncliffe Road
- All representations must be made in writing
- Please quote the ERE/ Planning reference number for the application you are commenting on
- You must provide your postal address to allow us to log your representation, as well as send you further communication about amendments to the application and the decision
- The deadline for receiving representations is usually 21 days or 14 days for amendments, confirmation of the final date can be found on the neighbour letter you may have received, or the site notice displayed.
Planning applications can be viewed on our website through the Planning Applications Search function.
Representations received are not published to our website, however enquirers can request to view comments made through Freedom of Information. When this is requested the representation is redacted of all personal details before being released.
Erewash Borough Council collects the information you provide in any representations you may make. We will use this information to allow us to consider your representations and contact you where necessary. We will publish your street name and a summary of your representations in the Officer’s report online. We will not share your personal information with third parties for marketing purposes or for any other reason unless required to do so by law. For more information explaining how we protect and use your personal information please see our privacy policy at
Please note that by virtue of the provisions of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, any representations made are likely to be open to public inspection.
What is a valid objection to a planning application
We can only take into account 'material planning considerations' when looking at your comments. Examples of what is and isn't considered is shown below:
Planning Considerations
- Heritage including Listed Building, Conservation Area and Archaeology
- Nature Conservation
- Noise and disturbance resulting from use
- Highway Safety, Traffic generation, adequacy of parking/loading/turning
- Landscaping
- Design, appearance, materials, layout and density of buildings
- Loss of Trees
- Smells
- Planning Policies
- Loss of light or overshadowing
- Overlooking/loss of privacy
Not Planning Considerations
- A perceived loss of property value.
- The impact of construction work or competition between firm
- Private disputes between neighbours
- The loss of a view
- Ownerships disputes over rights of way
- Personal morals or views about the applicant
- Fence lines
- Restrictive covenants
It is important to understand that the material considerations relevant to any particular application will need to be weighed in the final decision process according to their seriousness and relative importance.