Listed Buildings

The "List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest" is compiled by the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport, under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.There are approximately 230 Listed Buildings in the Borough of Erewash. You can find out whether a building is listed by visiting the National Heritage List for England.

Listed Building Consent

The consent of the Borough Council is required for the demolition of a Listed Building, or for its alteration or extension in any manner that would affect its special character. You can make an online application through the Planning Portal website.

Please note that it is a criminal offence to undertake such works without consent.

Local List

In 2012 the Council adopted the List of Buildings of Local Interest (Local List). The Local List recognises the contribution made by about 160 buildings to the architectural and historic interest of the Borough. These buildings were selected for inclusion as they appear to meet our Criteria for Local Heritage Designations, which were adopted in January 2011.

The inclusion of a building on the Local List would be taken into account in the event that Planning Permission is sought to alter or extend it. We would consider whether any such proposal is sympathetic to the character of the building, paying particular attention to the scale of the proposal and the choice of materials. Otherwise the inclusion of a building on the Local List would not affect its Permitted Development Rights.

The Local List should not be confused with the national List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest; that is, we are not proposing to designate these buildings as Listed Buildings. Listed Buildings are designated at a national level and they are subject to stricter controls on alteration, extension and demolition works.

The Council may revise the Local List periodically as new evidence is brought to our attention. You can nominate a building for inclusion on the Local List using the Proposal Form. You may submit the form by post or by e-mail. 

List of buildings of local interest - in alphabetical order by parish

  • Breadsall
  • Breaston
  • Dale Abbey
  • Draycott & Wilne
  • Ilkeston
  • Little Eaton
  • Long Eaton
  • Morley
  • Ockbrook & Borrowash
  • Risley
  • Sandiacre
  • Sawley
  • Stanley
  • Stanton-by-Dale
  • West Hallam