Erewash Borough is a great place to live and work. We want all our communities to share in the benefits of our area’s success.
Following the election of a new Council administration in May 2023, a new strategy provides a chance to reflect. A new strategy allows us all to assess how we can do things differently and better.
With the support of staff and outside bodies, a Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge took place in November 2023 and gave us direction on improvements that need to be made.
As an ambitious Council, we want to secure more funding and inward investment to ensure that the Borough benefits. We want to take advantage of the opportunities that arise, including from the East Midlands Combined County Authority and new East Midlands Mayor.
We are committed to making this happen and to taking Council employees, residents, businesses and future investors on this journey in a fair, transparent and consultative manner.
We are now proud to present our new Corporate Strategy, in a year that also marks the 50th anniversary of the creation of Erewash Borough and Erewash Borough Council.
Our services
The services that the council delivers on behalf of residents and businesses are very varied, and are a mix of statutory and discretionary. We know that residents value and depend on these being delivered. Some of our services include:
- Housing benefit processing
- Business and community grants
- Business rates collection
- Council tax collection
- Regulatory services such as taxis and premises
- Housing standards and homelessness
- Museum and events
- Planning decisions
- Parks and open spaces
- Leisure and sports centres
- Crime prevention advice
- Environmental crime
- Anti-social behaviour advice
- Health & wellbeing programmes
Partner services
Other services that are prioritised by residents are delivered by other organisations. Some of these are shown below.
- Derbyshire County Council - trading standards
- Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service - fire safety advice
- Voluntary and Community sector - support volunteers
- Erewash Partnership - business advice
- Derbyshire County Council - healthy lifestyle advice
- Registered Social Landlords - provide housing
- Canal and River Trust - manage waterways
- Derbyshire County Council - community and adult education
- Derbyshire County Council - Lead Local Flood Authority
- Derbyshire County Council - potholes and street lights
- Derbyshire County Council - recycling centres
- Environment Agency - provide flooding advice
- Derbyshire Police - Investigate Crime
- Derbyshire County Council - Social Care Services
- Probation Services - manage offenders
- Derbyshire Police- public safety and safeguarding
Our vision
Our aspirational vision, which captures the essence of what the council wants to achieve for Erewash is to:
“Create VIBRANT and SUSTAINABLE communities”
The council recognises its role within our borough, and how our priorities and actions will shape the area and communities.
We want to work with residents and partners to create a borough where everyone feels valued and empowered to thrive.
Our priorities
Our priorities have been developed from a foundation of political ambition, statutory responsibilities, and the strengths of the borough council. Data and knowledge, customer feedback and partnership working have also helped to shape these.
We have identified three priorities focussed on life in Erewash, and a fourth that covers our ambition to be a modern council, with transformative delivery of services in partnership with others.
Economy and Regeneration
We will work to rejuvenate the local economy.
We will work to:
promote regeneration; progress economic growth opportunities; improve housing supply.
Supporting Communities
We will support communities to be active, healthy and safe
We will work to:
support residents with the cost of living; improve housing access and standards; improve the quality of life.
Sustainable Environment
We will work to create an environment for the future
We will work to:
deliver and promote climate change activity implement new waste management strategies, and protect the borough’s green spaces.
A Modern Council
We will work to be a customer-focussed, progressive council
We will work to: make best use of our resources, ensure financial stability, and utilise technology to transform service delivery.
Our values
Our staff and councillors are committed and passionate about delivering good quality, customer-focussed services for Erewash. These will help us achieve our vision.
Our values are a set of standards that show how we will go about our work as a council.
- Put communities at the heart of all
- Empower and strive to improve
- One council, one team
- Promote ownership and collective responsibility
- Be outward looking and open to change
Delivery plan
Underneath the vision and priorities, we have developed a 4-year Delivery Plan which takes is shaped by ambition, statutory requirements and other service activities that meet need.
The Delivery Plan is contained on the following pages and highlights key actions that will be undertaken. The actions have been split into Years 1 & 2 covering 2024/25 and 2025/26, and Years
3 & 4 covering 2026/27 and 2027/28. The Years 3 & 4 actions are indicative at this stage but provide a flavour of the work we anticipate we will want to do once the earlier actions have been completed. These will be reviewed in Year 2 in context of the council’s budget, statutory obligations and resources.
The Delivery Plan does not cover everything teams and services across the council are doing. Some of these are shown on the Supporting Strategies on page 16. This will be an ever-evolving document as it is inevitable that new obligations or external events will drive and impact upon delivery, requiring the council to be adaptive.
Measuring progress
Progress against the Delivery Plan actions will be reported on regularly starting from September 2024 through the Council Executive and Scrutiny. The Council will also report on a suite of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which will build upon existing work. The KPIs will be grouped under the 4 priorities and provide visibility of how the Council is performing across a range of corporate and service areas.
We will also include a range of other indicators in the KPI suite that do not measure the council’s performance but show how the borough is faring in relation to other key activities. These will include health and wellbeing information, and crime and anti-social behaviour statistics.
To see the latest progress against the Delivery Plan actions and KPIs, please visit our Performance page.
Economy & Regeneration “Rejuvenating the local economy”
Promote regeneration
- Regeneration of Long Eaton High Street and creation of new managed workspace units at the Stable Block
- Explore options for bringing empty commercial properties back into use in town centres
- Assessment of cark park need and development of a Car Park Strategy
Progress economic growth opportunities
- Review progress made in implementing Economic Development Strategy
- Continue to support the development of warehousing and industrial premises at the 200-acre New Stanton Park
- Engage and survey local businesses to identify business needs and unlock barriers to growth through the East Midlands Combined County Authority
- Promote entrepreneurial opportunities through SPF including research and development grants, retail signage and business grants
Improve housing supply
- Adopt Core Strategy subject to the results of the public examination and enable new housing development through the planning system
- Develop a new Housing Strategy/approach and action plan to meet local housing need
- Consider options for bringing empty residential properties back into use engaging with partners
- With partners encourage and promote increasing the supply of affordable housing
Support residents with the cost of living
- Be an active member of the Financial Inclusion Network, deliver the cost of living action plan with partners and promote access to available support and services
- Implement new simplified and targeted Council Tax Support scheme for 2025/26
- Deliver Round 5 of the Household Support Fund (funded by Government) before September 2024 and review Discretionary Housing Policy to meet emerging and ongoing need
- Signpost and refer those in need to advice and support, including Armed Forced personnel and veterans
Improve housing access and standards
- Reinvigorate and refresh the Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy for Erewash and respond to an increase in demand for homelessness services
- Establish an action plan for improving the quality of supported accommodation and reducing the growth in non-registered providers with partners
- Take action to improve poor housing standards in the private rented sector
- Develop a Housing Assistance Policy under the Regulatory Reform Order to enable Disabled Facilities Grant funding to be used more flexibly
- Develop a longer-term strategy to increase the availability of temporary accommodation with partners
Improve quality of life
- Actively support delivery of the Erewash Health & Wellbeing Partnership Plan to respond to the needs of targeted groups
- Deliver key Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) projects including the new 3G pitch at Rutland Recreation Centre and the destination play facility at West Park
- Work with partners to support delivery of the Erewash Community Safety Partnership Plan to respond to crime, anti-social behaviour and the fear of these
- Actively support the Voluntary and Community Sector through encouraging volunteering and, where possible, financial or other support
- Deliver a varied and exciting programme of events, cultural activities and museum services, alongside securing reaccreditation of Erewash Museum from Arts Council England
- Delivery of £24.8m Long Eaton Town Deal programme, including West Park lighting scheme, Broad Street Bridge and waterside improvements
Deliver and respond to climate change
- Publish an Annual Climate Change Statement as well as engage and raise awareness of actions residents and partners can take in response to climate change
- Establish and publish a new corporate Climate Change Strategy and action plan
- Pursue opportunities for investment (when available/externally secured) to support decarbonisation of the council’s operations, property and fleet assets
- Facilitate the promotion and retrofitting of energy efficiency measures and low carbon technologies in eligible residential properties
Implement new waste management
- Implement new statutory food waste household collections and promote participation
- Encourage residents to produce less waste and recycle more
Look after the borough’s green spaces
- Implement rewilding of the borough
- Establish the new Pewit Coronation Meadows local nature reserve
- Maintain the high standards of West Park and Victoria Park for community use
- Continue the provision of sports pitches and play parks across the borough
Make best use of resources
- Review of the Council Constitution to enable more efficient ways of working
- Introduce a new workforce development strategy aimed at developing a suitably skilled, motivated and engaged workforce
- Enhance Member and staff training and development programme
- Develop and implement new Property Asset Management Plan including the disposal of surplus council assets
- Develop a modern approach to communication with an emphasis on refreshing the approach to consultation and engagement and consultation
Ensure financial stability
- Deliver planned savings in 2024/25 and a balanced budget in 2025/26
- Develop a ten-year capital programme setting out long term investment and maintenance plans
- Develop Invest to Save Policy to provide a framework for investment
- Develop Productivity Plan as required by Government
- Respond to Government funding consultation and lobby for additional funding for Erewash
Utilise technology to transform service delivery
- Develop an ICT and digital strategy (including assessment of investment required) to enable more efficient working and protect the council from cyber risk
- Implement new waste management system
- Review customer portal and options for increasing ability to transact online to support channel shift
Promote regeneration
- Completion of the Galaxy Row Development to enhance the street scene at this key focal point and provide new accommodation/business space
- Lobby for and bid for funding from the East Midlands Combined County Authority / Government for town centreredevelopment
- Consideration of alternative use of car parks, including through possible joint ventures
Progress economic growth opportunities
- Review partnership arrangements for economic development
- Work with businesses to identify future commercial sites for new businesses and business expansion
- Contribute to the economic development strategy for the East Midlands
- Lobby for and bid for funding from the East Midlands Combined County Authority / Government for new projects
Improve housing supply
- Start working on a new Core Strategy, including identification of sites to meet future housing needs
- Implement the Housing Strategy/approach and monitor outcomes to update as necessary.
- Develop a corporate approach to address the issues associated with empty properties and to incentivise property owners to bring empty properties back into use
- With partners evaluate and assess progress towards achieving strategic outcomes regarding the supply of affordable housing
Support residents with the cost of living
- Work with partners to assess cost of living local support needs and consider changes to existing policies
- Post implementation review of Council Tax Support scheme
- Lobby for additional funds/support for financially vulnerable residents and consider the establishment, subject to finances, of a local discretionary fund
- Review signposting advice available, and specific arrangements underpinning activity including the Armed Forces Covenant
Improve housing access and standards
- Work with partners to evaluate and assess options to work towards achieving strategic outcomes regarding homelessness and rough sleeping in Erewash
- Working with partners, seek to create the conditions to increase the number of registered housing providers supplying accommodation to meet complex need demand
- Review outcomes from the private rented sector enforcement pilot to inform new approaches to improving housing standards
- Post implementation review to assess outcomes delivered by the Housing Assistance Policy
- Evaluate and assess progress towards achieving strategic outcomes regarding the availability of temporary accommodation
Improve quality of life
- Review the impact of and actions in Erewash Community Safety Partnership Plan to respond to crime, anti-social behaviour and the fear of these
- With partners, assess the health of the Voluntary and Community Sector locally and how best to further support or enable progression
- Work with partners to review financial sustainability of cultural offer including the Heritage Business Plan informed by Arts Council England accreditation guidance
- Establish maintenance programme for new developments
Deliver and respond to climate change
- Monitor the Annual Climate Change Statement and, through engagement, continue to strengthen the coalition for change with the public/partners
- Evaluate and refresh the Climate Change Strategy and action plan
- Seek further opportunities to secure funding for the further decarbonisation of the council’s operations, property and fleet assets
- Continue to facilitate energy efficiency upgrades to residential properties, if external funding streams can be secured
Implement new waste management
- Post implementation review of the operation of and participation in food waste collections in line with government requirements
- Review effectiveness and refresh campaigns to reduce waste and recycle more alongside new national waste collection framework
Look after the borough's green spaces
- Review the impact of the new rewilding environmental management approach on biodiversity and for the borough
- Review the ecology management plan and seek to enhance the community and education usage
- Revisit and refresh the management and maintenance plan
- Review provision across the borough of sports pitches and play facilities
Make best use of resources
- Review of opportunities for streamlining committee structure and number of meetings
- Review organisational and management structure to assess whether it is still the optimum model in the context of funding, joint working and service offer
- Evaluate training and support offer and design induction and future training plans for Members
- Working with other public sector partners, continue investment in land or buildings to generate additional income streams for the council
- Evaluate and refresh the communications and engagement approach
Ensure financial stability
- Develop long term plan when multi-year financial settlement confirms future funding available
- Update long term programme in the context of funding available, new opportunities and changes to requirements
- Generate and appraise potential opportunities through public, Member and staff engagement
- Continue to meet Government requirements
- Continue to make the case for Erewash to receive its fair share of funding
Utilise technology to transform service delivery
Deliver digital projects including system replacement, enhancement to customer portal (Erewash account) and website, and automation of manual processes
Appraise options for implementation of anew modern Planning system
- Implement a virtual front door so all customer request/interactions are captured in one place and can be monitored
Supporting strategies
Alongside our actions, there are many other strategies and partnerships in place, or in development and planned for adoption within Years 1 & 2 of the Delivery Plan. These overarching documents contain further actions that the council will be working towards with others.
Economy & Regeneration
Local Development Framework / Core Strategy
Economic Development Strategy
Licensing Policies including statements on Gambling and Licensing, and Hackney Carriages / Private Hire Vehicles
Property Asset Management Plan
Sustainable environment
Waste Collection Policy
Waste Collection
Play Strategy
Green Space Strategy
Climate Change Strategy and Annual Statement
Supporting communities
Armed Forces Covenant
Safeguarding Policy Erewash Housing Strategy
Erewash Community Safety Partnership Plan
Erewash Health & Wellbeing Partnership Strategy
Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy
CCTV and Enforcement Strategies
A modern council
Workforce Strategy
Erewash Borough Council’s Constitution
Communication & Engagement Policy
Human Resources policies such as sickness absence
Customer Feedback Policy
Risk Management Strategy
Finance policies including the Budget Strategy, Capital Strategy and Capital programme and Treasury Management
Anti-Fraud Strategy
Community voice
We all have a part to play in creating vibrant and sustainable communities; a borough where everyone feels valued and empowered to thrive.
Get involved!
Consultation or proposals impacting on residents and businesses:
Upcoming decisions at council and committee meetings:
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