Regulatory and Housing Services

This page explains what you can expect from Regulatory and Housing Services at Erewash Borough Council.  Whether you run a business, are an employee or a member of the public, the council is committed to providing an efficient, courteous and helpful service. This document tells you how this will be achieved and the service standard you can expect to receive.

What does our Regulatory and Housing Service do?

Services are provided in a number of areas:

Environmental Health

Food Safety

  • Hygiene standards
  • Food safety
  • Imported foods
  • Food related illnesses
  • Food Hygiene Rating scheme

Health and Safety

  • Health and safety standards in relevant premises we enforce
  • Reported accident investigations

Health Licences

  • Skin piercing licences
  • Animal Boarding Establishments
  • Riding Establishments

 Environmental Protection

  • Investigation of issues concerning public health and statutory nuisance
  • Regulation of emissions from industrial processes
  • Contaminated land

Housing Services

Private Sector Housing

  • Housing standards in rented and owner occupied homes and homes in multiple occupation (HMOs)
  • Mandatory licensing of houses in multiple occupation
  • Administration of the mandatory disabled facilities grant scheme
  • Local delivery of national schemes to make homes more energy efficient

Housing Options

  • Provide a housing advice and options service including advice to anyone threatened with homelessness
  • Take proactive action to prevent homelessness


Licences for

  • Hackney Carriage and Private Hire
  • Alcohol, late night refreshment and regulated entertainment
  • Gaming machines, betting shops and Bingo establishments
  • Sexual Entertainment Venues
  • Scrap Metal
  • Street Trading
  • Street and House to House Collections
  • Caravan Sites
  • Provide help and advice for licence applicants, legal representatives, other responsible authorities and members of the public
  • Compliance investigations and necessary enforcement action to promote public safety

Regulatory and Housing Services make a fundamental contribution to the maintenance and improvement of public health, safety, quality of life and wellbeing.

The corporate plan enables the council to prioritise the actions needed to achieve its vision. 

The council determines its activities each year through service planning, using data and other information available to ensure resources are targeted appropriately. Where possible the needs of local people and our local business community are also assessed (please see Section 13). Any risks that might hinder the delivery of the council’s priorities are considered as well. 

The council is committed to being transparent regarding delivery of its priorities and services. Performance data is available on the performance page.

How Regulatory and Housing Services work

Services are carried out in a way that supports those regulated in the business sector to comply and grow.

Information and guidance is available to help those who are regulated meet their statutory obligations. Where advice is provided your particular needs and circumstances will be taken into account.

A risk based approach is used to target resources and to monitor how compliance with statutory requirements is being achieved. The following guidance is used:  

Food Safety

Using the Food Law Code of Practice Annex 5 from the Food Standards Agency which uses a risk based scoring matrix to determine the frequency of routine inspections.

Food Law Code of Practice

Health and Safety

Using Health and Safety Executive LAC 67/2 which uses a risk based scoring matrix to determine the frequency of routine inspections.

Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS)


Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003

Derby and Derbyshire Licensing Enforcement Protocol.

Breaches of the law will be addressed proportionately and in accordance with the council’s Enforcement Policy. Firm enforcement action will be taken when necessary to ensure that compliance with statutory requirements is achieved.

Services will be delivered in accordance with the requirements of the the Government's Regulators Code

Working with businesses and others

In all your dealings with Environment and Housing Services you can expect, and will receive, an efficient and professional service. Officers will:

  • Be courteous and polite
  • Always identify themselves by name in dealings with you, and provide contact details
  • Seek to gain an understanding of how your business operates and the pressures you face
  • Provide details of how to discuss any concerns you may have
  • Agree timescales, expectations and preferred methods of communication with you
  • Ensure that you are kept informed of progress on any outstanding issues.

Erewash is committed to giving an equal service to all. This means that customers should not be treated any differently because of their disability, ethnicity, religion, special needs, language, sexual orientation, gender or age. You can find out more about how we will do this on our Equality page.

The Council officers have access to an external translation service. This allows communication with people whose first language may not be English.

It is recognised that you may receive advice and inspections from other agencies. The council will work with these agencies wherever possible to minimise the regulatory burden placed on your business.

Helping businesses to get it right

The service wants to work with you to help your business be successful. It is important therefore that you feel able to come to the council for advice when you need it. No formal action will be taken just because you want to discuss a problem.

Information and guidance is available on meeting statutory obligations at Guidance from other agencies has been included at Appendix 1 to assist you.

Where advice is needed to help you meet your legal obligations the service will:

  • Provide advice that supports compliance and that can be relied on
  • Provide advice that is appropriate for your circumstances and is not overly burdensome
  • Provide clear advice that can be easily understood and implemented
  • Distinguish legal requirements from suggested good practice
  • Ensure that any verbal advice you receive is confirmed in writing if requested
  • Acknowledge good practice and compliance.

Inspections and other compliance visits

Compliance is monitored and supported in a number of different ways including through inspections, sampling visits, test purchases, advisory visits and complaint investigations. These visits will always be based on an assessment of risk. Notice will be given wherever possible that a visit is to be made unless there are specific reasons to believe that an unannounced visit is more appropriate.

When a visit is made officers will:

  • Explain the reason and purpose of the visit
  • Carry their identification card, and present it on request when visiting your premises
  • Exercise discretion in front of your customers and staff
  • Have regard to how you approach compliance within your business, and use this information to inform future interactions with you
  • Provide advice to support you in meeting your statutory obligations, if required
  • Provide a written record of the visit

As most of the work undertaken by Regulatory and Housing Services is statutory no charge is made for inspection or compliance visits. However the exception to this is for the service of notices under the Housing Act 2004. Every effort is made to avoid the necessity for enforcement action by sending letters/schedules of work and having discussion with property owners. If the works are not carried out and enforcement notices have to be served a fee is charged to recover some of the costs incurred. No fees are charged for informal action or for giving advice.

Charges apply to the issue of licences or registration and these are detailed in the council’s Fees and Charges Schedule.

Responding to non-compliance

Where any failure to meet a legal obligation is identified, a proportionate response will be made in accordance with the council’s Enforcement Policy.
Where you are required to take action to remedy any failings officers will:

  • Explain the nature of the non-compliance
  • Discuss what is required to achieve compliance, taking into account your circumstances
  • Clearly explain any advice, actions required or decisions that we have taken
  • Agree timescales that are acceptable to both you and us, in relation to any actions required
  • Provide in writing details of how to appeal against any advice provided, actions required or decisions taken, including any statutory rights to appeal
  • Explain what will happen next, including any timescales
  • Keep in touch with you, where required, until the matter is resolved

Requests for our service

Requests for assistance are responded to including requests for advice and complaints about breaches of the law. The service will:

  • Acknowledge your request within 3 working days
  • Tell you when you can expect a substantive response
  • Seek to fully understand the nature of your request
  • Explain what we may or may not be able to do, so that you know what to expect
  • Keep you informed of progress throughout our involvement
  • Provide clear advice where appropriate
  • Inform you of the outcome as appropriate

A detailed breakdown of response times and expected resolution times is available in Appendix 1 although a risk based judgement will be made by officers to determine whether a more prompt response is required. In all cases the council will respond to enquiries and service requests in line with corporate standards.

What you can do for the council

The Council has respect for all its service users, customers and employees. You can assist the council in delivering its services by:

  • Being aware that an appointment cannot always be made or a date provided as to when a visit will be made
  • When requesting advice or information allow a reasonable amount of time for a response in accordance with this service standard especially for matters that are particularly complicated or need detailed investigation
  • Treating the council’s staff with respect
  • Not using bad language, being abusive or acting in a threatening manner
  • Providing the information needed to enable the right service to delivered to you
  • Telling the council when something goes wrong
  • Remembering that the council is here to help and assist you

The council will not accept any form of abuse or discriminatory behaviour against staff or its customers.

The Teams

A dedicated team of officers is available with the appropriate qualifications, skills and experience to deliver the services you require. Arrangements are in place to ensure the professional competency of all officers is maintained.

Where specialist knowledge is required on matters outside the council’s area of expertise arrangements can be made with both neighbouring authorities and other regulatory organisations to provide the information you require.

Working with others

Regulatory and Housing Services works closely with other council services such as Planning and Economic Development to provide a streamlined service.

The service is also part of a much wider regulatory system in Derbyshire and has good working relationships with other regulators. This enables a more joined up and consistent service to be delivered. Where the law allows this includes sharing information and data on compliance and risk to help target regulatory resources. Partners include:

Police Community Safety Partnership
Fire Service Derbyshire County Council Trading Standards
Health and Safety Executive Food Standards Agency
Environment Agency

Officers are familiar with the work of partner agencies and can signpost you to the advice and guidance you need. The council is part of D2N2 , the Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. As part of this partnership the Better Business Regulation (BBR) project aims to support businesses by helping to make access to information regarding regulatory matters easier. If you have any comments or concerns regarding the way in which the local regulatory system is operating you can contact the partnership at

Comments Compliments Complaints

Your input is valued to help ensure services are meeting your needs. Your comments are welcomed regardless of whether your experience of dealing with Regulatory and Housing Services has been good or needs improvement. Your feedback will help the service to improve.

Whether you wish to make a Comment or a Complaint you are encouraged to do so either:

  • through your ‘My Erewash’ account
  •  by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • in writing to Erewash Borough Council, Wharncliffe Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire. DE7 5RP.
  • Telephoning the council on 0115 907 2244
  • Completing the online general enquires form.

More details on our procedure can be found on the complaints page. Any feedback received will be acknowledged, considered and if requested a response provided.

If you want to discuss the reasons why a certain course of action has been taken please contact: The Head of Regulatory and Housing Services on 0115 9072244 extension 3815.
By post: Erewash Borough Council, Merlin House, Merlin Way, Ilkeston DE7 4RA

How to contact the service

Environmental Health and Private Sector Housing
Telephone: 0115 9072244
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By post: Erewash Borough Council, Merlin House Merlin Way Ilkeston DE7 4RA
In person This is by appointment only as Merlin House is not a public building.

Homeless Service
Telephone: 0115 9072244.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By post: Ilkeston Town Hall, Wharncliffe Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5RP
In person By appointment every day (except Wednesdays) at Ilkeston Town Hall

When ringing for an appointment, please be prepared to give a few details at the time of your call to enable the officer to decide who you need to see and the urgency of your request. For out of office emergencies only, please contact Call Derbyshire on 01629 532600

Telephone: 0115 9072244.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By post: Ilkeston Town Hall, Wharncliffe Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5RP
In person Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 5pm and Friday 8.30am – 4.30 pm
at Long Eaton Town Hall. Please call to ensure officer availability, and to book an appointment if necessary.

Information is available in different formats including access to translation and interpretation services.

If you contact the service you will be asked for your name and contact details so that you can be kept informed of progress with your enquiry. All contact with the service is treated in confidence. Anonymous complaints and enquiries will only be responded to where it is judged appropriate to do so.

Personal data will be managed in accordance with the Council’s Data Protection Policy.

Developing our service with you

The council does consult service users to ensure services are delivered to meet their needs. If you are interested in finding out more about how you can be involved in this process please visit the consultations page or contact the council using the contact details above.

Appendix 1 Breakdown of response times and expected resolution times


This section includes:

  • Food Safety
  • Health and Safety
  • Health Licences
  • Environmental Protection

Commercial Premises Interventions

We will: 

  • Answer questions either when we carry out an intervention or as soon as possible afterwards if we cannot give you an answer immediately.
  • Give you advice and information on proposed works or improvements to premises before you begin the work.
  • Carry out interventions in line with our legal duty, codes of practice, recognised guidance and good practice.
  • Leave a hand written report at the time of the visit and if required send a written report within 14 days.
  • Meet all legal time limits, for example: Determine applications for permitted processes within the timescales given in the relevant guidance note; Determine animal welfare licences and skin piercing registrations within 28 days of an appropriate application being received.

Requests for our services

We will: 

  • Undertake a first response to your service request within 3 working days.
  • Reply to your letter within 5 working days.
  • If we can’t send you a full response within 5 working days, we will send an acknowledgement followed by a full response within 15 working days.
  • Give you verbal or written confirmation of the outcome when we have finished dealing with your request or complaint.

Further information: Environmental Health Manager 0115 907 2244.


Food Standards Agency
Health and Safety Executive 
Permitted Processes


This section includes:

  • Private Sector Housing
  • Homeless Service

Housing Renewal - Requests for our services

We will:

  • Undertake a first response to service requests within 3 working days.
  • Deal with requests of an urgent nature as a priority.
  • Reply to letters and electronic communications within 5 working days.
  • If we can’t send a full response within 5 working days, we will send an acknowledgement followed by a full response within 15 working days.

Homelessness Service - Requests for our services

We will:

  • Make contact with client within 2 working days unless they will be homeless that night in which case contact will be made that day.
  • Reply to your letter within 5 working days.
  • If we can’t send you a full response within 5 working days, we will send an acknowledgement followed by a full response within 15 working days.
  • Give you verbal or written confirmation of the outcome when we have finished dealing with your request or complaint.
Further information Housing Manager 0115 907 2244.


We will:

  • Provide information in clear and simple terms
  • Consult with the trade on all aspects of the taxi licence function, particularly the council’s Conditions and Specifications and seek comments at every opportunity.
  • Comply with all statutory time limits
  • Respond to service requests within 3 working days
  • Respond to 100% of letters or electronic communications within 5 working days or send an acknowledgement with a full response in 14 working days
  • Determine licence applications within 5 working days from completion of statutory consultation periods (Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005)
  • Determine licence applications within 10 working days from receipt of completed application
  • Undertake multi-agency enforcement initiatives as part of a co-ordinated response in seeking compliance by licence holders
Further information: Licencing Manager 0115 907 2244 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Links: Licensing section.